About the Journal

Proceeding of ICONIS (International Conference of Islamic Studies) is documentation of the international conference held and published by IAIN Madura in the form of conference proceedings. It contains both conceptual-based and field research based articles on Islamic studies and is published once a year.




The organizing committee of the 8th ICONIS 2024 hosted by Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura proudly announces that your manuscript has been accepted, and it will hopefully be presented at the conference conducted on 30-31 July 2024. Following this, we kindly remind you to pay attention to the following details:

  1. Those whose manuscripts are accepted must be present directly at Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura by delegating only ONE representative for each manuscript to be invited to the Plenary Session on 30 July 2024. Please fill in the registration form: https://s.id/ICONISpresenters2024

    *Please make sure to complete the registration form before 23:59 on Monday, 22 July 2024
  1. The conference programs are conducted OFFLINE. Therefore, if each paper's author(s) do not delegate the author, the paper will be automatically DECLINED without further review. In addition, all of accommodations and transportations are the authors' responsibilities.
  2. To facilitate authors from outside Java Island and from other countries who may be unable to attend in person, the committee will offer hybrid attendance options. This means that if you are unable to join us physically, you will still be able to present your work and engage with fellow participants virtually. (Please note that despite offering this hybrid option, we strongly encourage all authors to attend the conference in person if possible.)
  3. The accepted full papers would be further reviewed anonymously by peer reviewers to decide whether papers are deemed acceptable to the ICONIS proceedings or recommended to be published in collaborated journals. If there are any revisions required, the result of the review will be directly sent to the author(s)’s email(s);
  4. The final confirmation of your place on the program and the specific details about your session will be provided later in Whatsapp Group of the 8th ICONIS PRESENTER 2024. Please note that individual requests for specific presentation dates and times cannot be addressed due to factors that the program committee must consider when scheduling the overall program.

I appreciate your interest, and we look forward to working with you on a successful conference.

Sincerely yours,
The 8th ICONIS 2024 Committee





The 8th International Conference on Islamic Studies (ICONIS) 2024 is held by Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura. ICONIS 2023 brings together researchers, lecturers, teachers, and students to exchange and share their ideas, experiences, and research results about all aspects of Islamic studies.

All honorable authors are encouraged to contribute to and help shape the conferences by submitting their research abstracts (obligatory for presenters) and papers (optional). Also, high-quality research contributions describing original, unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work in all areas of Islamic studies are cordially invited for presentation at the conference.

The theme of this year's conference is
"The Five Great ASIAN languages, Discourse, and The Development of Islamic Civilization"


Civilization consists of 7 main aspects which are systematically interconnected. Those aspects are (1) Faith and Belief, (2) politics and government, (3) economics and resources distribution, (4) Science and technology, (5) family and society, (6) architecture and spatial planning, and (7) Language. Language, in essence, covers those seven aspects of civilization because language functions to store the achievements of civilization and drive its development. Language plays a crucial role in constructing, innovating, and elevating civilization. ASIA is the cradle of the great civilizations, and all great world religions, including Abrahamic Faiths (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), emerged in Asia. As historical evidence, these great religions grew and developed through the religious literature delivered in the great ASIAN languages, including Arabic, Chinese, Persian, Urdu/Indian, and Malay. So, it is impossible to discuss religion and religious literature without referring to those great ASIAN languages. Of course, this is also true in the case of Islamic Studies.

Keynote Speakers
1. Mr. Yan Yuan (Director of Confucius Institute, Tiongkok)
2. Datuk Prof. Dr. Berghout Abdelaziz (International Islamic University of Malaya, Gombak Campus, Malaysia)
3. Prof. Bakri Muhammad Bakheit Ahmad (University of the Holy Quran and Islamic Sciences, Sudan)

1. Language and Architecture
2. Language and Green Economy
3. Language and Religious Studies
4. Language and Postcolonial Studies
5. Language and Social Orientation
6. Language and Science – Technology
7. Language, Education and Islamic Studies
8. ASIAN Biblical Language & Humaniora
9. ASIAN Old Manuscript Studies (Philology)
10. Constructing the Fiqh of ASIAN Civilization

The Five Great Asian Languages
1. Arabic Language
2. Chinese Language
3. Persian Language
4. Urdu/Indian Language
5. Malay Language (Indonesian, Malay, Ancient Java Language)

- All accepted and presented papers will be published in ICONIS E-ISSN Proceedings.
- The best articles will be published in Scopus Indexed Journal (Q1), book chapters, and National Accredited Journal.

Terms and Conditions Apply. (*)

Important Dates
- Full paper Submission : 11 May 2024
- Full paper Submission Deadline : Extended until 15 July 2024
- Notification of Full Papers Acceptance : 20 July 2024
- Confirmation Date : 22 July 2024
- Conference Days : Tuesday-Wednesday, 30-31 July 2024

Current Issue

Vol. 7 (2023): Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Islamic Studies

Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Islamic Studies (ICONIS) under the theme "Islam & Digital: Bridging Tradition and Innovations in the ASEAN Context” held by Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura [ISBN: 2807-6168]

Published: 2023-09-18

Full Paper

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