ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies 2023-10-11T14:58:58+00:00 Suwantoro Open Journal Systems <p>Proceeding of ICONIS (International Conference of Islamic Studies) is documentation of the international conference held and published by IAIN Madura in the form of conference proceedings. It contains both conceptual-based and field research based articles on Islamic studies and is published once a year.</p> Representation of Hijab Women in Wardah Exclusive Cosmetic Advertisements 2023-06-15T14:53:53+00:00 Lukman Hakim Imroatul Isna Maghfiroh <p><em style="color: #252525;">Hijab in Indonesia currently tends to increase and is in great demand by women. However, some women do not know the meaning of women wearing hijab; they sometimes just follow their lifestyle. The mass media plays an important role in the meaning of women wearing the hijab, one of which is YouTube through an advertisement. Advertising is done to influence the behavior, feelings, and thoughts of consumers so that they are encouraged to buy the product being promoted. This study aims to determine the meaning of women wearing the hijab in the advertisement "Wardah Exclusive" (2023). The method used is qualitative, with the semiotic analysis approach of the Ferdinand de Saussure model, by determining markers and signifieds so that a deep meaning is obtained about women wearing the hijab in the ad. The data collection technique used is documentation, by taking screenshots of every scene listed in the Wardah advertisement (2023) on YouTube media, which lasts 30 seconds. The results showed that the meaning of a woman wearing the hijab is a Muslim identity, a form of self-expression, a modern lifestyle, a symbol of beauty, and a Muslim obligation.</em></p> 2023-09-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Empowering The Future Generation of Muslims Through Digital Literacy: Lessons from Ngaji Literasi Digital in Darussalam Islamic Boarding School Banyuwangi 2023-09-19T15:11:25+00:00 Ubaidillah Nurul Aini <p>This research explores the significance of digital literacy for students in Islamic boarding schools, with a particular focus on Ngaji Literasi Digital program by Duta Santri Nasional at Darussalam Banyuwangi Islamic boarding school. The study aims to demonstrate how this program can increase awareness among students about the importance of digital literacy knowledge in today's world. The paper is using descriptive qualitative design, emphasizes the need to empower the future generation of Muslims through digital literacy and provides insights into how this can be achieved in Islamic boarding schools based on observation and interview. This research limits the extent of the impact that the Ngaji Literasi Digital program has had on students at the Darussalam Islamic Boarding School in Banyuwangi. Ngaji Literasi Digital is a collaborative program between the Duta Santri Nasional and the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics as well as Siberkreasi. The program was designed to promote digital literacy among young learners through workshops and seminars that focus on three main materials: digital culture, digital ethics, and digital skills. For the result, the program was proved successful in raising the awareness index of digital literacy for the students..</p> 2023-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies ت تعليم القواعد اللغة العربية باستخدام طريقة أولوا الألباب 2023-06-15T10:17:55+00:00 Hibatin Wafiroh Moh. Sholeh Afyuddin Yuyun Zunairoh <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>This study aims to find out and explain qowaid learning using the Ulul Albab method. In this study, the research method used was descriptive qualitative method, while data collection techniques used observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The researcher takes the discussion of learning qowaid science due to the importance of this knowledge in learning Arabic, especially to make it easier for Muslims to be able to understand the sources of Islamic teachings in Arabic. So that along with the times, several methods of quickly reading the <em>turats</em> book were created which were applied in various educational institutions, one of which was the Ulul Albab method used at the Ulul Albab Islamic boarding school in Kediri, this method has books that take references from several nahwu and shorof books. So that the guidance between methods and books in the Ulul Albab method is considered effective and can make it easier for students to learn qowaid science.</p> <p>Keywords: learning method; qowaid; ulul albab method</p> <p><strong>ملخص</strong></p> <p>الهدف من هذا البحث لمعرفة وشرح كيفية تعلم القواعد اللغة العربية بطريقة أولوا الألباب. طريقة البحث المستخدمة في هذا البحث هي الطريقة الوصفية النوعية، أما جمع البيانات باستخدام الملاحظة والمقابلات والإستبيانات والتوثيق. أخذ الباحثونون مناقشة تعلم القواعد اللغة العربية لأهمية هذه المعرفة في تعلم اللغة العربية، خاصة لتسهيل المسلمين على فهم المصادر التعلم العلوم الدينية التي تكتبه باللغة العربية. وبمرور الزمن، هناك عدة طرق لقراءة الكتب الترثية بسرعة الذي تطبق في مختلف المؤسسات التعليمية، منها طريقة أولوا الألباب المستخدمة في معهد أولوا الألباب الإسلامية بمدينة كديري، هذه الطريقة يؤخذ عدّة مراجعه من عدد كتب النحو والصرف. حتي يكون مجموع بين الطريقة أولوا الألباب والكتاب أولوا الألباب تعتبر فعالة ويمكن أن تسهل الطلاب لتعلم القواعد اللغة العربية.</p> <p>الكلمات الرئيسية : طرق التعلم؛ قواعد اللغة العربية؛ طريقة أولوا الألباب.</p> 2023-09-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies تحليل مشكلات ترجمة النصوص العربية إل الإندونيسية لدى طلاب قسم تعليم اللغة العربية الجامعة الإسلامية الحكوميةكديري 2023-09-18T03:39:02+00:00 Ahmad Rifa’i 2023-09-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies دور تعلم اللغة العربيةكوسيلة الوسطية الدينية في تعزيز التنمية الوطنية بإندونيسيا 2023-09-18T03:52:44+00:00 Muhammad Fikri Almaliki Sovia Fahraini M. Syamsul Maarif <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Indonesia is a country with a democratic system that provides freedom of expression and opinion due to its diverse cultural and religious differences. As the largest Muslim country, religious moderation is pursued as a middle ground approach to achieve balance in worldly and spiritual matters. In other words, Islam has the characteristic of promoting tolerance to counter liberal and radical thinking. Arabic language is considered a mandatory subject for Muslims, as many Islamic literatures, arguments, and legal references such as the Qur'an and hadiths originate from Arabic. Through learning Arabic, students and the community can acquire the skills to translate and understand various Arabic literatures, thereby preventing the emergence of liberal and radical ideas. The new understanding of religious moderation can be embraced by society without hesitation, as it involves a process of delving into Islamic literature as a knowledge reference using Arabic language proficiency. This religious moderation can give rise to moderate generations that contribute to national development by strengthening the understanding and experience of moderate and tolerant religious values. Consequently, Indonesia can become a society characterized by noble virtues, mutual cooperation, tolerance, and prosperity amidst its diverse ethnic and racial communities in various regions. This research employs a literature review focused on analyzing journals, books, and magazines related to the research topic as primary data.</p> </div> </div> </div> 2023-09-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Religion and Culture: The Construction of Religious Harmony in Bersih Desa Traditions East Java Indonesia 2023-06-15T09:05:12+00:00 M Thoriqul Huda Thoriq <p>Indonesian society is known as a heterogeneous society, having ethnic, religious and cultural diversity. Tradition has been rooted for generations so that it is difficult to separate from every practice of social life, moreover Indonesian people in ancient times believed in metaphysical things which then had an impact on the obligation to carry out religious ceremonies as a form of maintaining good relations with metaphysical things. Rudolf Otto did this as part of human responsibility towards the sacred, and the sacred is the highest power, so that responsibility towards the sacred has implications for the implementation of religious or ceremonial actions. For Durkheim, it has an impact on the obligation to behave religiously. The bersih desa tradition carried out by the community is one of the routine practices carried out every year, interestingly the implementation of this tradition is followed by people who have different religious backgrounds. Research on this bersih desa tradition is carried out holistically, this is to get a complete picture of the expression of the community in carrying out the tradition, as well as the meaning of its implementation in terms of socio-religious relations. Therefore, this research used 3 techniques in extracting data, namely observation, interviews and documentation. This research resulted in the findings of three main values in the implementation of the village clean tradition; 1). Theological value. 2). Ecological value, and. 3). Sociological value</p> 2023-09-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Religious Inclusivesm: Islam, Christian and Hindu Relations in Besowo Kediri East Jawa 2023-09-18T08:36:23+00:00 Aprilia Yuli Lestari <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Indonesia has a diversity of ethnicities and religions. The Besowo community is one of the communitygroups in which it consists of various religions, namely Islam, Christianity and Hinduism. In this diverse life, religious people need to prioritize an inclusive attitude in religion. This study wants to see the extent to which inclusiveness in religion is understood theoretically and practically so that itcan be the basis for building harmonious inter-religious relations. By using a qualitative approach,this research will look comprehensively at the relationship between Islam, Christianity and Hinduismin Besowo Kediri. The results showed that religious people in Besowo have an inclusive perspectivein religion, this attitude is also manifested in religious and social life, so that a harmonious and tolerant life can be realized. This harmonious life is also strengthened by the Besowo culture whichhas been rooted for generations.</p> </div> </div> </div> 2023-09-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Perempuan dan Dakwah (Analisis Dakwah Perempuan di Media Sosial dalam Pandangan Al-Quran dan dunia Pendidikan) 2023-09-18T08:49:24+00:00 Nafilah Sulfa Muallifah Afifullah <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Diskursus peran perempuan dalam hal berdakwah pada masa sekarang ini menunjukkan eksistensinya melalui media sosial (platfom). Terlebih ada yang terkesan unik, nyentrik, berapi-api, kalem, kritis bahkan ada juga yang penuh dengan canda tawa. Kendatipun beragam model komunikasi yang digunakan namun misi yang dibangun oleh pendakwah perempuan secara umum adalah untuk menjalankan dakwah yang sesuai dengan anjuran “amar maruf nahi munkar”. Hadirnya perempuan dalam dunia dakwah, mejadi warna baru dalam dunia dakwah khusus di media sosial. Keikut sertaan perempuan dalam dunia dakwah, karena pergeseran mindset, keinginan akan hal-hal baru serta keinginan keikut sertaan penyebarluasan Syariat Nabi di tambah faktor pendidikan perempuan yang tidak kalah dengan laki-laki, hal ini membawa keeksisan perempuan itu sendiri dalam dunia dakwah yakni intelektual mereka tidak kalah dengan laki-laki. Agamapun membolehkannya selama hal itu membawa maslahat. Penelitian ini menggunakan Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan pustaka (library reaserch) serta menganalisis feomenologi eksistensi perempuan sebagai pendakwah di era kontemporer. Dari hasil penelitian ini penulis simpulkan 1). Pergeseran tradisi dakwah dari lisan, tulisan sampai media sosial 2) Muncul beberpa pendakwah perempuan di media sosial seperti Ning Sheila Hasina, Ning Imas dan lain-lain. 3). Al-Quran tidak melarang perempuan untuk berdakwah sebagaimana termaktub dalam surah al-Taubah: 71.</p> </div> </div> </div> 2023-09-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Kontribusi Pendidikan Qurani pada Perkembangan Islam Asia Tenggara: Manajemen Pengetahuan 2023-09-18T09:10:20+00:00 Muhammad Alif Raihan 2023-09-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Mystification of the Broadcasting Omnibuslaw for the Media Industry in Indonesia 2023-09-18T08:59:44+00:00 Prilani Lukman Hakim <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>This article discusses the aftermath of the issuance of the work copyright law, which contains articles on broadcasting with the assumption that the migration from analog to digital technology will occur two years after it was enacted on October 5, 2020. The fundamental issue is more on how to implement this law. Change is talking about technology, adequate regulatory instruments, and a complete supporting infrastructure. Media policy in Indonesia has undergone several phases with many issues arising; the pattern of ownership, program content, to management. The local broadcasting media industry will feel the impact when the forced migration of this technology is not based on the principles of equity, justice, and sustainability. The challenge of digital broadcasting is the key to developing Indonesia's broadcast media in the future. Uncertainty in media regulations will impact the management of the broadcast media industry, so serious efforts are needed to create new regulations as derivatives of the work copyright law. Government regulations as derivatives are expected to accommodate industry and public interests.</p> </div> </div> </div> 2023-09-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Transformation of Charity (Shadaqah): The Influence of Donations’ Advertisement in Social Media Towards Gen-Z Interest in Online Donation in Indonesia 2023-09-19T01:38:27+00:00 Griselda Gian Heris Herdina Nurul Aini <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>The development of technology such as social media provides many conveniences that can affect Gen-Z’s humanitarian activities. Many features can be accessed by everyone who has social media, one of which is an online donation. This is intended for the general public to make it easier for them to carry out humanitarian activities in today's digital era. Many advertisements about online donations attract netizens to humanitarian activities when running social media. The purpose of this research is to find out Gen-Z's decision to donate online through the social media that they use for it. The sample used in this study was 100 people with a range of birth years 1995- 2006 (Gen-Z) with a quantitative descriptive research design. This article explains the discussion of what factors make them choose to donate online based on a closed- ended questionnaire. The results of respondents have been calculated using the percentage index with an overall average of 67.02% which is in the “agree” on level category. This shows that the variable perceived security to the level of religiosity on the decision to donate has a positive impact. Thus, it is known that Gen-Z agrees with the shadaqah transformation, namely online donation.</p> </div> </div> </div> 2023-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Strategi Inovatif Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab: Memanfaatkan HOTS dan Teknologi Digital 2023-06-15T14:54:55+00:00 Ach. Syarofi Uyun Thayyibah Moch Ubaidillah Nuri Alvina Siti Maisaroh Anni Annisa <p><em>Abstrak:</em></p> <p>Pembelajaran bahasa Arab merupakan tantangan tersendiri bagi para pembelajar, terutama bagi mereka yang tidak memiliki latar belakang budaya Arab. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan strategi inovatif yang dapat meningkatkan efektivitas pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Salah satu strategi yang dapat digunakan adalah penerapan Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) dan teknologi digital. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan kajian literatur tentang strategi inovatif pembelajaran bahasa Arab dengan memanfaatkan HOTS dan teknologi digital. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kajian literatur, yang melibatkan penelaahan&nbsp; jurnal, buku dan literatur lain yang relevan dan terkini mengenai pembelajaran bahasa Arab, HOTS, dan teknologi digital. Hasil kajian literatur menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan teknologi digital dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab dapat memberikan&nbsp; pengalaman belajar yang interaktif, menarik, dan menyenangkan. Sementara penerapan HOTS dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab dapat membantu meningkatkan pemikiran tingkat tinggi seperti analisis, evaluasi dan kreatif. Penelitian ini memberikan wawasan tentang pentingnya penerapan strategi inovatif dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Hasil kajian literatur ini diharapkan dapat menjadi dasar bagi pengembangan pendekatan pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang lebih efektif dan menarik di masa depan.</p> <p>Kata Kunci: Inovasi pembelajaran bahasa Arab, HOTS, dan teknologi digital</p> 2023-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Integrating the Fiqh in the Islamic Education Subject at Junior Highschool Curriculum to Counter LGBTQ+ Ideologies in Islamic Majorities Population Countries 2023-06-14T04:30:13+00:00 Yundri Akhyar Wirda Ningsih <p>This study proposes the incorporation of Fiqh (Islamic law) into junior high school curricula as a strategy to combat LGBTQ+ ideologies in Islamic-majority nations. The purpose of this research is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of Islamic teachings and values regarding human sexuality and gender roles. The research method was literature reviews. The result of the researches were integrating the Fiqih and Islamic Education curriculum at Junior high school were Promoting Islamic values, Providing religious guidance, Countering misconceptions, and Developing critical thinking skills. Students can learn about the traditional Islamic perspective on sexual ethics, marriage, and family by incorporating Fiqh into the curriculum. This strategy aims to foster in students a deeper appreciation for Islamic principles and critical thinking skills. Additionally, it may serve as a forum for open discussions and dialogue on LGBTQ+ issues within the context of Islamic teachings, encouraging students to think critically, respect diverse points of view, and cultivate empathy. Respecting cultural sensitivity and religious convictions, the incorporation of fiqh into the curriculum can contribute to a more nuanced understanding of sexuality and gender within Islamic-majority societies.</p> 2023-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Teologi Islam Madura : Studi dalam Peribahasa Abhantal Syahadat Asapo’ Iman Apajung Allah 2023-06-14T14:03:28+00:00 Fathorrozy Nurul Qomariyah <p>Kajian tentang teologi Islam sangat penting untuk dikaji lebih dalam. Hal ini karena dipengaruhi oleh faktor fenomena sosial yang tidak pernah reda membahas dan memperdebatkan hal tersebut. Dalam memahami teologi Islam, ada suatu pendekatan unik yang mudah dalam memahami teologi Islam yakni dengan pendekatan nilai-nilai lokal. Salah satunya di Madura dengan peribahasa abhantal syahadat, asapo’ iman, apajung Allah (berbantal syahadat, berselimut iman, berpayung Allah). Tujuan artikel ini ingin memahami 3 hal diantaranya pertama teologi Islam berbasis nilai-nilai lokal Madura, kedua filosofi dari peribahasa abhantal syahadat, asapo’ iman, apajung Allah, ketiga, makna dari bentuk ketaatan dan penghambaan kepada Allah dari peribahasa abhantal syahadat, asapo’ iman, apajung Allah. Metode yang digunakan ialah metode kualitatif dengn pendekatan studi pustaka, adapun pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan analisi fenomena, dan dokumentasi. Sehingga dapat ditemukan hasil penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga hal : pertama, makna teologi Islam di Madura adalah konsep ketuhanan dan ketauhidan yang begitu kuat. Kedua, kedudukan abhantal syahadat, asapo’ iman, apajung Allah sebagai falsafah dalam kehidupan ditengah keberagamaan dan yang ketiga yakni potret ketaatan akan perintah dan larangan yang telah ditetapkan oleh Allah SWT dalam aturan Islam.&nbsp;</p> 2023-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Penetrasi Teologi Islam pada Kebudayaan Masyarakat Tradisional 2023-06-15T13:39:31+00:00 Khaerul Umam Khaerul <p>Artikel ini menganalisis bagaimana proses penetratif teologi Islam terhadap kebudayaan masyarakat petani tradisional. Penetrasi teologis mengikuti pola misi penyebaran Islam di Nusantara, pertama, melalui perkawinan pembesar kerajaan dengan saudara penyebar misi. Kedua, aktifitas politik penyebar misi di jantung kerajaan. Dan ketiga, gerakan kebudayaan pada jantung tradisi masyarakat. Pada jalur ketiga ini, objek analisis artikel. Penelitian ini menemukan bentuk penetrasi teologi Islam terhadap kebudayaan masyarakat petani melalui tradisi yang menyertai tahapan-tahapan dalam bercocok tanam, dari mulai menebar benih, bertumbuh benih, menanam, merawat, memanen, hingga pasca panen tidak terlepas dari ritual-ritual slametan. Ritual yang penuh makna, dalam menjaga harmoni pada tiga dimensi, hubungan dengan sesama manusia melalui makanan yang dibagikan kepada para tetangga, hubungan dengan alam melalui ritual menyimpan jenis sesaji di dekat tanaman padi pada waktu malam hari, serta harmoni dengan Tuhan melalui doa-doa yang dipanjatkan pada ritual slametan baik dalam bentuk ritual personal maupun ritual komunal. Proses penetrasi teologis tersebut melahirkan bentuk-bentuk kebudayaan berupa ritual yang mengiringi tahapan-tahapan dalam bercocok tanam. Kebudayaan yang telah mengalami proses penetratif, mampu menjaga keberadaan petani dari sisi spiritual, terutama dalam menjaga dari serangan nilai-nilai yang datang dari kebudayaan modern. Makna-makna yang lahir dari perpaduan nilai teologis dan kultural, mampu menjadikan petani mempertahankan tradisinya. Sehingga penetrasi teologis Islam dianggap sebagai proses yang menguntungkan bagi petani tradisional.</p> 2023-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Menjembatani Tradisi dan Inovasi Society 5.0 di ASEAN : Menjelajahi Teologi Islam Harun Nasution 2023-06-15T02:48:22+00:00 Aldi Prastiya <p>Artikel ini memberikan pembahasan tentang teologi Islam modern di Era Masyarakat 5.0 di ASEAN. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas relevansi antara teologi islam dengan perkembangan masyarakat 5.0 dan sekaligus dapat menjembatani tradisi dan inovasi di ASEAN dalam kajian teologi islam perspektif Harun Nasution. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data meliputi buku dan artikel tentang Harun Nasution dan Pemikiran tentang Masyarakat 5.0, yang menggunakan teknik analisis interpretatif untuk menghasilkan penelitian tentang topik pembahasan ini. Hasil analisis data yang diperoleh menghasilkan hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: pertama, hubungan antara manusia dan peradaban sangat penting ketika berbicara tentang agama. Kedua, umat Islam memiliki kewajiban untuk menginterpretasikan nilai-nilai agama dalam konteks modern dengan melakukan reinterpretasi terhadap ajaran agama. Ketiga, agama menawarkan ruang gerak pada budaya. Keempat, Harun Nasution menganjurkan agar seluruh kehidupan bermasyarakat harus berdasarkan Al-Qur'an dan Hadits. Kesimpulannya pembahasan ini menyoroti pentingnya hubungan antara agama dan peradaban, perlunya pembaharuan pemikiran keagamaan dalam menghadapi perubahan zaman, pengaruh agama terhadap budaya, dan pentingnya mengikuti ajaran agama dalam masyarakat</p> 2023-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Coastal Areas in Sumenep-Madura as an Alternative Media for Learning Islamic Religious Education in MI/SD 2023-06-05T23:36:58+00:00 Tri Sutrisno Mohammad Hasan <p>The <em>purpose of this research is to describe learning media for the coastal areas in Sumenep to improve the quality of education, to explain the benefits of the coastal areas as a learning medium for Islamic religious education (PAI) in SD/MI and the advantages and disadvantages of the coastal areas as a medium for learning PAI in SD/MI. The locus of this research is SDN Ambunten Timur II, Ambunten District, Sumenep Regency, which is the closest school to the coast. The school is very close to the coast, so that natural school learning through the coast can be carried out effectively and efficiently. The research approach used is qualitative with data sources from PAI teachers, the community, the teacher council and education observers in the village. After analyzing the data, it was found that explicitly the coast in Sumenep Madura could be used as a learning medium. Meanwhile, coastal learning media is enough to give a positive meaning for children's development, so the findings show that the coast is not only a tourism but also a contributor to the quality of education. Then, with the characteristics of elementary school children who like concrete learning in PAI learning, it is proven to provide the widest possible learning space for them. Students learn directly on the coast, they can relate learning materials to the natural atmosphere of the beach. In fact, the most important thing is that students with religious values are able to apply their love for the natural environment around them. There are many strengths of the coastal areas as a medium for students, teachers and the environment. Meanwhile, the weakness of the coastal areas as a learning medium will not work well when there are poor natural conditions.</em></p> 2023-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Construction and Criticism of Hadith among Sufis: An Analytical Study of Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din 2023-09-19T13:57:25+00:00 Zainal Muttaqin Ach. Shodiqil Hafil <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Discussing a hadith that is not as important as the Quran, requires strict rules regarding the validity of its matan and sanad. These rules and criteria became a problematic dynamic among Sufis and hadith experts. There are even negative accusations against the book of Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din as the primary book for sufis which contains many hadiths dha'if and even maudhu'. Therefore, this research is considered important to find the construction of hadith and the problematic point that occurs between hadith experts and Sufis in interpreting hadith, especially those contained in the book of Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din. With the type of qualitative research of literature and analytical descriptive approach, the conclusion was produced that the weakness that hadith experts criticized the book of Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din did not reduce the degree of quality and credibility of Ihya' 'Ulum al- Din as a general book in studying Islam. The reason is that some of the dho'if or maudhu' hadiths contained in them are not used as postulates in terms of shari'a law, but only explain fadhail al-a'mal which is agreed to be legality by hadith experts as long as it does not penetrate into the realm of ilahiyat. The problem of interpretation rivalry among hadith experts and Sufis is caused by differences in the angles of the hadith in the recitation of the hadith. The difference comes from the two epistemologies that underlie the thinking of the two groups of scholars. Sufis, are more concerned with irfani epistemology, prioritizing matan over sanad, whereas hadith scholars who use bayani epistemology, have strict rules in passage. However, there are some hadith experts, such as al-Iraqi and al-Zabidi, who seek to find common ground for sanad's validity in the hadiths in the book of Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din. Until finally the negative accusations against the book which were originally considered to use many maudhu' hadiths were finally refuted. This has led to the book of Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din remaining relevant and significant for study today.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> 2023-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Mendefinisikan Muslim Moderat dan Konteks Sosio-Politik Di Indonesia 2023-06-14T14:52:17+00:00 Ridwan Djayadi Hanan Syafi’i Anwar <p>Recent developments show that religious moderation initiated by the Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Religious Affairs is increasingly being studied and trained. However, conceptually, religious moderatism, specifically moderate Muslims still needs to be discussed further because there is no consensus on its definition and conceptual framework. Moderate Muslims exist is a social construction that is highly dependent on the socio-political context of Indonesian Muslims. With a literature review approach from a qualitative approach, this paper finds that the definition of moderate Muslim is very contextual and related to the social and political context of Muslim communities in Indonesia. This paper attempts to fill the gap on the definition of moderate Muslims by looking critically at the conservative and liberal definitions of Muslims from an analysis of the socio-political context in the country</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> 2023-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies The Role Of Islamic Boarding Scholld In Building Generations In The ASEAN Transformation Era 2023-06-15T13:32:45+00:00 Sandi Ferdy Yulianto Moh. Zainal Fanani Ibrahim Bin Sa'id <p><sup>Abstract:<br>In this era of transformation marked by the rapid development of digital technology and significant social change, the role of education is becoming increasingly important in shaping a generation that is ready to face the challenges and opportunities that exist. In the ASEAN region, education has a strategic role in preparing a generation that is able to adapt to change, encourage innovation, and contribute to regional development. In the context of education in ASEAN, Islamic boarding schools, as traditional Islamic educational institutions, have a unique role in forming a generation that is strong and has character in this era of transformation. Islamic boarding schools do not only provide religious education, but also build a moral foundation, independence, and skills that are relevant to the times. The purpose of this journal is to analyze the role of Islamic boarding schools in building generations in the ASEAN transformation era. In this study, three main aspects will be reviewed which form the basis of the role of Islamic boarding schools, namely religious education, independence, and mastery of technology.<br>This research is a qualitative descriptive research, namely research that aims to gain a deep understanding of the problems. human and social, not describing the surface part of a reality as quantitative research does with its positivism. The data used in this journal uses the method of literature study (Library research).<br><br></sup></p> 2023-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies تطوير قدرات ذكاء متعددة من خلال برنامج تم إصداره في مدرسة أولومول قرآن لانجسا الإسلامية الداخلية 2023-06-14T16:26:32+00:00 Munirah Muhammad Miftahul Huda Miftahul Huda Riska Khairani Riska Khairani Rauzatul Jannah Rauzatul Jannah Dalilan Aini <p><strong>Hordward Gardner stated that intelligence is not only measured by IQ, but intelligence is a person's ability that continues to grow and is not constant in solving a problem and creating a product/business. This study aims to determine the process of implementing the study program and to know the results of the implementation of the study program in the development of multiple intelligences in the school of Quranic sciences of Angsa. This research is included in qualitative descriptive research with the case study methodology. Selected data collection techniques are interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique used is the qualitative analysis technique of Miles and Huberman with four steps as follows: data collection, data reduction, conclusion drawing and verification.</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2023-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Aplikasi Kaedah Fiqh Dalam Pembangunan Taqwim Hijri dan Impaknya Terhadap Penyatuan Umat 2023-06-09T04:20:39+00:00 Selmarisa Wardhani Wardhani Ibnor Azli Ibrahim <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Konsep penyatuan umat yang berasaskan penyatuan taqwim memenuhi maqasid syariah yang perlu disegerakan agar kemaslahatan manusia terjaga. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Keperluan penyatuan taqwim pada masa ini adalah karena kewujudan berbagai kaedah taqwim yang digunakan. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Is secara langsung telah mencetuskan perbezaan dalam menentukan awal hilal. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Sebagaimana yang terjadi pada perayaan hari raya idul fitri tahun ini di negara Indonesia. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Umat ​​Islam melestarikan dengan ketiadaan sistem taqwim yang bersepadu, sehingga seringkali umat Islam dalam satu negara bahkan dalam peringkat antarabangsa melaksanakan berbagai ibadah dalam waktu yang berbeza. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kajian ini merupakan kajian kualitatif. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kajian ini akan meneliti bagaimana aplikasi maqasid syar'iyah dan kaedah-kaedah pilihan yang dirangkumkan dalam Kaedah Fiqh Utama dalam isu-isu hilal dan penyatuan taqwim hijri. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Pendekatan kajian perpustakaan digunakan untuk mengkaji data berdasarkan konsep, teori dan pendapat fuqaha. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kajian ini akan menggunakan beberapa kaedah-kaedah kecil dari lima kaedah fiqh utama. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kajian ini menemukan bahwa kepentingan penyatuan umat dalam taqwim merupakan seruan berdasarkan dalil daripada firman Allah dan juga hadis. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kesesuaiannya dengan kaedah fiqh juga bermaksud memperkuat kehujjahannya untuk perlu segera mewujudkan penyatuan taqwim. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kajian ini juga menemukan kaedah Rukyah Muhaqaqah bersesuaian untuk memberikan penyelesaian atas masalah perbezaan kaedah pengeluaran hilal ini. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kaedah Rukyah Muhaqqaqah mengabungkan maqasid syariah sebagai pedoman pertama dan juga penggunaan teknologi untuk mewujudkan kaedah taqwim yang mudah dan berkepadatan tinggi. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">teori dan pendapat fuqaha. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kajian ini akan menggunakan beberapa kaedah-kaedah kecil dari lima kaedah fiqh utama. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kajian ini menemukan bahwa kepentingan penyatuan umat dalam taqwim merupakan seruan berdasarkan dalil daripada firman Allah dan juga hadis. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kesesuaiannya dengan kaedah fiqh juga bermaksud memperkuat kehujjahannya untuk perlu segera mewujudkan penyatuan taqwim. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kajian ini juga menemukan kaedah Rukyah Muhaqaqah bersesuaian untuk memberikan penyelesaian atas masalah perbezaan kaedah pengeluaran hilal ini. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kaedah Rukyah Muhaqqaqah mengabungkan maqasid syariah sebagai pedoman pertama dan juga penggunaan teknologi untuk mewujudkan kaedah taqwim yang mudah dan berkepadatan tinggi. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">teori dan pendapat fuqaha. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kajian ini akan menggunakan beberapa kaedah-kaedah kecil dari lima kaedah fiqh utama. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kajian ini menemukan bahwa kepentingan penyatuan umat dalam taqwim merupakan seruan berdasarkan dalil daripada firman Allah dan juga hadis. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kesesuaiannya dengan kaedah fiqh juga bermaksud memperkuat kehujjahannya untuk perlu segera mewujudkan penyatuan taqwim. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kajian ini juga menemukan kaedah Rukyah Muhaqaqah bersesuaian untuk memberikan penyelesaian atas masalah perbezaan kaedah pengeluaran hilal ini. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kaedah Rukyah Muhaqqaqah mengabungkan maqasid syariah sebagai pedoman pertama dan juga penggunaan teknologi untuk mewujudkan kaedah taqwim yang mudah dan berkepadatan tinggi. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kajian ini menemukan bahwa kepentingan penyatuan umat dalam taqwim merupakan seruan berdasarkan dalil daripada firman Allah dan juga hadis. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kesesuaiannya dengan kaedah fiqh juga bermaksud memperkuat kehujjahannya untuk perlu segera mewujudkan penyatuan taqwim. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kajian ini juga menemukan kaedah Rukyah Muhaqaqah bersesuaian untuk memberikan penyelesaian atas masalah perbezaan kaedah pengeluaran hilal ini. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kaedah Rukyah Muhaqqaqah mengabungkan maqasid syariah sebagai pedoman pertama dan juga penggunaan teknologi untuk mewujudkan kaedah taqwim yang mudah dan berkepadatan tinggi. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kajian ini menemukan bahwa kepentingan penyatuan umat dalam taqwim merupakan seruan berdasarkan dalil daripada firman Allah dan juga hadis. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kesesuaiannya dengan kaedah fiqh juga bermaksud memperkuat kehujjahannya untuk perlu segera mewujudkan penyatuan taqwim. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kajian ini juga menemukan kaedah Rukyah Muhaqaqah bersesuaian untuk memberikan penyelesaian atas masalah perbezaan kaedah pengeluaran hilal ini. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kaedah Rukyah Muhaqqaqah mengabungkan maqasid syariah sebagai pedoman pertama dan juga penggunaan teknologi untuk mewujudkan kaedah taqwim yang mudah dan berkepadatan tinggi. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kajian ini juga menemukan kaedah Rukyah Muhaqaqah bersesuaian untuk memberikan penyelesaian atas masalah perbezaan kaedah pengeluaran hilal ini. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kaedah Rukyah Muhaqqaqah mengabungkan maqasid syariah sebagai pedoman pertama dan juga penggunaan teknologi untuk mewujudkan kaedah taqwim yang mudah dan berkepadatan tinggi. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kajian ini juga menemukan kaedah Rukyah Muhaqaqah bersesuaian untuk memberikan penyelesaian atas masalah perbezaan kaedah pengeluaran hilal ini. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kaedah Rukyah Muhaqqaqah mengabungkan maqasid syariah sebagai pedoman pertama dan juga penggunaan teknologi untuk mewujudkan kaedah taqwim yang mudah dan berkepadatan tinggi.</span></span></p> 2023-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies The Use of Hilal Remote Observatory in Determining the Beginning of the Hijri Month Islamic Law Perspective 2023-06-15T16:18:57+00:00 Siti Tatmainul Qulub <p>This article discusses the use of the Hilal Remote Observatory (HRO) in determining the beginning of the Hijri month from the perspective of Islamic law. The determination of the beginning of the Hijri month has essential implications in determining Muslims’ worship and daily activities. So far, hilal observations are carried out by direct observation methods, both without tools (naked eye) and with tools (telescopes, theodolites, and so on) in rukyat places. However, with the development of technology, HRO can now be done. HRO (long-range hilal observation) is a modern technology that allows remote observation of hilal using optical devices and communication technology. With HRO, an observer can move the device remotely and view the moon from various geographical locations in <em>real time</em>. This article aims to answer the formulation of the problem, namely how to use HRO in determining the beginning of the Hijri month according to Islamic law. This article produces an opinion that the existence of HRO technology in rukyatul hilal can be used and utilized because it can help provide certainty and confidence about the existence of Hilal. In addition, HRO can make it easy for observers to see the moon because it can be done wherever the observer is. As for the testimony of seeing the hilal of an observer who is far from where the instrument is placed, it cannot be used as a basis to establish the beginning of the Hijri month for the place where the observer is located unless the place where the observer is located west of where the instrument is located or is in the same matla' jurisdiction with the place where the instrument is located. This is because worship is based on position and time.</p> 2023-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Natural Sciences in The Era of ‘Decline’: A Study in The History of Jāmi’ al- Azhar 2023-06-15T17:05:36+00:00 Muhammad Faris Ibrahim <p>This paper aims to critically read the decline narrative as a paradigm, especially in reading the development of natural sciences in Islamic history. The 16th century to the 19th century AD is often considered a period of decline of Islamic civilization, while at the same time, this period is also considered a time of the European Renaissance and its modern era, including in terms of natural science. This paper argues that efforts to periodize Islamic history are very biased by the West's interest to hegemonize the Islamic world. Using a historical approach, library research as a data source perspective, and qualitative research as an analytical perspective with Jami' al-Azhar as a case study, this study found that first: the decline narrative is closely related to modern Western theory as the end of human history. Second: Egyptian Modernists use the narrative of decline to attack al-Azhar and some of its scholars who are considered conservative, even though they are very supportive of progress. Third: the decline narrative built by modernists against al-Azhar and its scholars for not paying attention to the natural sciences is a distortion; as evidence, I found many manuscripts written by al-Azhar scholars or were studied at Jāmi’ al- Azhar related to natural sciences such as medic, mathematics, astronomy, geometry from the 16th century to the 19th century AD, before modernism came to Egypt.</p> 2023-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies The Existence of Islamic Microfinance Institutions In Increasing Economic Resilience in South Sumatra Province 2023-06-15T17:01:00+00:00 Siti Mardiah M Azmi Bin Abdullah M I’sa bin Abd Jalil Usman Mulyadi <p>Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Indonesia are highly dependent on informal sources of financing and Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) due to limited access to finance. But entering the era of disruption, where there will be changes in transactions and financing. Therefore the purpose of this study is to see how the existence of the Institute is increasing economic resilience in South Sumatra. Literature studies certainly contribute to ensuring the concepts that have been designed are solid and well-established to be applied. The findings found that the factors that influence the sustainability of microfinance institutions are part of economic resilience, namely industry and business structure, financial arrangements, labour market conditions and governance which will be analyzed in dealing with shocks, growing, adapting and innovating in the face of external shocks.</p> 2023-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Development of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Accelerating Resolution of Inheritance Disputes (Study of Islamic Family Law Renewal in the Era of ASEAN Community 5.0) 2023-06-15T03:03:47+00:00 Imaro Sidqi Siti Maymanatun Nisa <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>The development of Artificial Intelligence technology can be used to speed up the process of resolving disputes in Islamic law, especially its use in resolving inheritance disputes. Artificial Intelligence technology has emerged as a potential tool for accelerating and increasing the efficiency of resolving disputes over Islamic inheritance. This article aims to analyze the use of Artificial Intelligence technology in accelerating the settlement of inheritance disputes in Islamic family law, policy formulations for the use of Artificial Intelligence technology in accelerating the settlement of inheritance disputes, and Opportunities and challenges of using Artificial Intelligence technology in accelerating the settlement of inheritance disputes in Islamic law in the era of the ASEAN community 5.0. This research method is juridical-normative through a conceptual approach. The data used is secondary data collected through library research. The results of this study indicate that the use of Artificial Intelligence in resolving Islamic inheritance disputes can assist the process of resolving inheritance disputes by automating several tasks, accelerating decision-making, and reducing costs. Artificial Intelligence technology can provide many benefits if it is implemented carefully and by prevailing Islamic principles, and the use of AI technology in the settlement of inheritance disputes in Islamic law in the era of the ASEAN Community 5.0 offers great opportunities to increase efficiency and accuracy. However, the use of Artificial Intelligence technology in resolving inheritance disputes also has several challenges.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2023-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Digital Media as a Dynamic Transformation Tool of Islam: From Traditional to Modern Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) in Indonesia 2023-09-19T14:52:35+00:00 Nurul Aini <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Breaking the Indonesian society’s perception about pesantren only focuses on learning Islam in a traditional way is a new challenge in this modern era. Pesantren needs to adjust to the development of digital era right now in order to spread and shape the information related to Islam with the easiest way in which people in society can get the Islamic teaching and knowledge fast and efficiently. This research was intended to scrutinize the implementation and challenge of using digital media in 3 pesantren: Muhammadiyah Modern Boarding School, Al-Amien, As Sa’idiyah in Kediri and their challenges in transforming from ngaji (reciting Holy Qur’an) with traditional to modern digital media. The research used qualitative descriptive in analyzing the data related to the implementation and challenge of using digital media in learning. 10 ustadz and 10 ustadzah (teachers in pesantren) participated as the respondents in the study. The data were collected through observation and in-depth semi-structured interviews. The findings revealed that this pesantren applies teaching and learning integrated with ngaji digital through social media: live streaming on social media YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and Spotify with some reasons to; introduce and Islam as a part of (da’wah), get positive feedback and trust from society, break the society’s perception about conservative pesantren, and build connection. However, it was also found some challenges related to the society’s perception of conservative culture regarding the role of pesantren itself. In short, the digital media can a tool of a dynamic transformation process in spreading the information regarding Islam.</p> </div> </div> </div> 2023-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Qawaid Material of Tamyiz Method in the Perspective of Tajdid an-Nahw by Syauqi Dhayf 2023-09-05T06:35:40+00:00 Moh Sholeh Afyuddin Ayunda Imamah <p>This research aims to analyze the structure of qawaid material in the Tamyiz method, which aims to be good at translating the Quran, with the perspective of Nahwu renewal initiated by Syauqi Dhayf. This research is a literature study with a qualitative type. The result of this study states that qawaid material of Tamyiz method can apply the six principles of Nahwu renewal initiaded by Syauqi Dhayf except for “the elimination of <em>i'rob </em>analysis (<em>taqdiri</em> or <em>mahalli</em>)”. Qawaid material of Tamyiz 1 does not cover <em>i'rob</em> analysis but substantially that principle still appears a little in the form of grouping <em>ism</em> <em>mabni</em> into <em>harf</em> to avoid the deep analysis of <em>i'rob mahalli </em>at <em>ism mabni</em>. The other principles, such as reformulation, reorientation, redefinition, removing additional material, and adding material considered significant in achieving learning objectives, appear in several Tamyiz materials. &nbsp;The additional chapters are <em>mujarrod</em> to find the original letters in a word, the materials to identify <em>harf</em>, <em>fi’il</em> and <em>isim</em> with the characteristics and some patterns of <em>fiil</em> (<em>wazan</em>) which have a high frequency of appearance in the Quran. Tamyiz also excludes several other chapters in the classical <em>nahwu</em> to arrange the qawaid material concisely and focus in the learning objectives. This research indicates that students only need a little of <em>qawaid</em> material to be good at translating the Quran, such as harf, fiil and ism comprehension with the characteristics and identification the original letter in a word to find the meaning of that word in the Arabic dictionaries.</p> 2023-09-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies The Cultures of Pesantren in Indonesia: A Fenomenous Real Descriptive Study 2023-10-11T14:58:58+00:00 Affan Abdul Wafi <p>The cultures of <em>Pesantren</em> (Islamic boarding school) have penetrated and become the lifeblood of Indonesia in their participation to grow and even to support various futuristic positive sides in the lives of Indonesian people. Common culture such as religiousness and nationalism have become the pulse of life for the majority of Indonesians today. This study is a phenomenous real descriptive study conducted to describe the phenomenon of Islamic boarding school cultures and the phenomena that occur and exist in Indonesian society when connected with pesantren culture and traditions. Data is obtained from various library sources in the form of books and articles which are then discussed and connected with the phenomena that occur. The results of this study found that there are several cultures that characterize pesantren such as scientific <em>rihlah</em>, the culture of composing books (<em>ta'lîful kutub</em>) or translating classical books or even writing books, using foreign languages in their daily communication, The culture of conducting research (<em>istiqra'</em>), even the culture of politics that exists and mushrooms in <em>pesantren</em>. Even, these cultures have become the benchmark or <em>uswatun hasanah</em> of the process of education and learning in schools, boarding schools, and educational institutions outside <em>pesantren</em>. These cultures certainly need good and continuous management so that the pesantren cultures become a 'new curriculum' in the processes of education and teaching in Indonesia or even in the international realm.</p> 2023-10-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies