International Conference on Islamic Journal Systems<p>Proceeding of ICONIS (International Conference of Islamic Studies) is documentation of the international conference held and published by IAIN Madura in the form of conference proceedings. It contains both conceptual-based and field research based articles on Islamic studies and is published once a year.</p> Sustainability Development in Indonesia Integrating with the Green Economy: a VECM Analysis2024-06-28T15:04:23+00:00Basribasribasyir862@gmail.comAbdullahbasribasyir862@gmail.comSyahrul Gunawanbasribasyir862@gmail.comAhmad Musleh Abdul<p>This study aims to examine and analyze factors that influence sustainable environmental development in Indonesia through the Green Economy policy. The issue of sustainable development is increasingly crucial amidst increasing global emissions that threaten human safety. The green economic development model is suspected to be a development model that prioritizes economic, social, and environmental dimensions to achieve sustainable development in an integral manner. The type of data is a time series with a research period of 1992–2022. The analysis model used is the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) to analyze the long-term and short-term relationships of the variables agriculture productivity, expected years of schooling, and renewable energy on carbon emissions. The results of the study indicate that there is no long-term relationship between the impact of the green economy, but in the short term, the variables Agriculture Productivity and Expected Years of Schooling affect carbon emissions. The results of this study emphasize the importance of a consistent green economy policy. The government and the private sector can increase investment in the renewable energy sector, allocate resources, and adopt environmentally friendly technologies. In addition, strict environmental regulations and increased education are key to building public awareness of the importance of a green economy and environmental sustainability and creating a culture and lifestyle that support environmentally friendly practices at the individual and community levels.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Pendidikan Anak dalam Al-Qur’an Perspektif Busyro Karim dalam Tafsir<p>In this modern era, an increasing number of children experience physical and psychological disturbances caused by mistakes in parental education. Although the education provided by parents aims to build the child's character and independence, inappropriate approaches often lead to significant negative impacts. The method used in this article is qualitative with a library research type, using Busyro Karim's Tafsir Tradisionalis, a scholar and interpreter from Madura, as the primary source for this article. Child education from Busyro Karim's perspective in Tafsir Tradisionalis encompasses the responsibilities of parents, educational institutions, and the community. Parents play an essential role from the birth of the child by introducing religion, choosing a good partner, and educating the child with commendable morals, social responsibility, and Islamic law. Educational institutions function to free children from misguidance and hypocrisy, foster creativity, and prepare them for happiness in this world and the hereafter. Community education emphasizes the importance of social interaction, good communication, respect for differences, and participation in social activities.</p> <p> </p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studiesأصل العرب وسكان جزيرة العرب2024-06-25T08:26:49+00:00Muhammad Rifqi Maulanarifqmaulna@gmail.comFatwiah<p>This research aims to find out the origins of the Arab people, the various types of Arab people and their languages and the population of the Arabian peninsula. Narrators and genealogists agree that Prophet Adam was the father of humans and in the beginning. After the famous flood, most humans drowned and genealogists agree that humanity was divided from the descendants of Noah after the flood, through the three surviving sons Ham, Sam and Yafits. This research applies the literature study method to collect information regarding the origins of the Arab race and the population of the Arabian Peninsula. Result, the Arabs came from the Semiths, descendants of Sam bin Nuh. The Arab nation is divided into 3: Arab Baidah ('Ad and Thamud), Arab 'Aribah (people of Saba’), Arab Musta'ribah (Bani 'Adnan). The population of the Arabian peninsula is divided into 8 parts: Hijaz, Yaman, Hadhramaut, Mahra, Oman, Al-Ahsa', Najd, Ahqaf.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies of the Second Juz of Syamil Book Series by KH. Muhammad Basthomi Tibyan2024-07-15T06:52:10+00:00Farhan Fuad Mudzakirfarhanfuadm34@gmail.comAldiwarakampung99@gmail.comAbdul<p>Scientific development of nahwu & sharraf lately considered as increasingly important as the enthusiasm of Indonesian students in studying Arabic. It is also the behind the trend of development in nahwu & sharraf teaching methods aiming to be approachable for beginners. The nahwu & sharraf book series, Syamil, is no exception, written by KH. Muhammad Basthomi Tibyan and designed specifically for the students of PP. Al-Amien Prenduan. This research examines the second series/juz of Syamil juz 2 which focuses on nahwu & seeks to uncover the ideal development techniques contained in the book. The researcher used qualitative field research methods by collecting data in the form of interviews, observation and documentation. This research shows the results, namely: 1) that the book of Syamil juz 2 is a development of several books in the science of nahwu. 2) as a teaching technique for beginners or those who are still in the early stages 3) the explanation is brief and concise 4) using pegon Arabic to make it easier for readers when reading 5) as a murajaah media or repetition for those who are already proficient in Nahwu science.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Discrimination and Social Stereotypes in Language: A Sociolinguistic Study2024-07-16T00:38:12+00:00Nashrul Umamnashrulumam23@gmail.comMuhammad Fahrus<p><em>This research examines the phenomena of linguistic discrimination and social stereotypes in language from a sociolinguistic perspective. Linguistic discrimination occurs when someone is mistreated based on the way they speak, while social stereotyping in language involves overgeneralizations about certain social groups. This research uses a qualitative approach, including critical discourse analysis, literature study, and in-depth interviews to explore the complexity of this issue. The research results show that linguistic discrimination and social stereotypes reinforce each other, hurting individuals and society in various aspects of life such as education, work, and social interactions. This phenomenon not only affects the opportunities and social mobility of individuals but also contributes to the marginalization of certain groups in society. This research emphasizes the important role of inclusive education, responsible media, and government policies in addressing this problem. Education that values linguistic diversity and teaches cross-cultural understanding is key to reducing prejudice and discrimination. The mass media also has a big responsibility in shaping public perceptions about language variations and social groups. Collective efforts are needed to promote inclusive language use, raise awareness about linguistic diversity, and change negative perceptions through education and media. In conclusion, recognizing and appreciating linguistic diversity is essential in creating a fairer and more inclusive society, where every individual is valued regardless of how they speak.</em></p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Taneyan Lanjheng dalam Perspektif Tokoh Masyarakat dan Tokoh Agama2024-07-13T10:04:44+00:00Arinal Haq Fauziaharinaafauzi@gmail.comMasti<p>Taneyan Lanjheng's grammatical language in the orientation of social dynamics and the perspective of community leaders and religious figures who thrive in Madura have a very important role in forming the harmonious social and cultural character of society. This article proposes and explains the existence of the Taneyan Lanjheng language as a special language in Madura and how it is oriented towards the social dynamics currently occurring. This research uses a descriptive-qualitative approach which is used to study the existence of the Taneyan Lanjheng Grammatical language from the perspective of community leaders and religious figures in the orientation of the social and cultural dynamics of Madurese society. The findings from this research are how the grammatical existence of the Taneyan Lanjheng language adapts to the socio-cultural environment and society in Madura. This research emphasizes the importance of language and culture continuity in the orientation of socio-cultural dynamics as a vital element in maintaining the cultural identity and diversity of the multicultural Madurese community.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Sanders Peirce's Semiotic Approach in Analyzing the Architecture of the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque Banda Aceh2024-07-01T03:22:41+00:00Naufa<p>The concept of semiotic architecture is widely used in historical and contemporary buildings such as large-volume buildings, one of which is a mosque. The Baiturrahman Grand Mosque in Banda Aceh is one of the icons of Islamic architecture in Indonesia that can be studied using the concept of Charles Sanders Peirce semiotics. The Baiturrahman Grand Mosque represents religious symbols, culture, and the struggle of the Acehnese people in addition to being a site of worship for Muslims. The application of Peirce's semiotic approach in analyzing the architecture of the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque paves the way for a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between icons, indices and symbols in the context of Islamic architecture. This analysis not only enriches our appreciation of the aesthetic beauty and cultural values contained in mosque architecture, but also provides greater insight into the role of architecture in shaping identity and collective memory. The research methodology in this study includes a descriptive qualitative technique and a literature review. The study's findings obtained 7 data which include 4 icon data consisting of domes, umbrellas, mihrabs, and flower carvings. 1 index data in the form of the main tower of the mosque. And 2 symbol data, namely the black color on the mosque dome and the white color in the mosque room.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Language Proficiency in Affecting the Spiritual Quotient (SQ) of Individuals2024-07-14T18:36:25+00:00Rifka Arifatul<p>Arabic is a main part of the Islamic religion. As a Muslim, we still carry out worship services which are carried out in Arabic. This research aims to identify indicators of Arabic language mastery and spiritual intelligence and explore whether there is a significant relationship between the two. This research uses a qualitative approach method with a descriptive research type. Data collection techniques include interviews with sources who are experts in Arabic. The results of this study show that the relationship between Arabic language mastery and spiritual intelligence is very significant. Mastery of Arabic allows individuals to understand religious texts directly without the intermediary of translation, providing a more authentic spiritual experience. Respondents felt that mastering Arabic improved the quality of worship and understanding of Islamic teachings, strengthening spiritual intelligence. Challenges in learning Arabic, such as understanding vocabulary, are overcome with continuous practice, learning through the talaqqi method, and the use of digital platforms. Mastery of Arabic not only enriches understanding of Islamic teachings but also deepens individual spiritual experiences in daily worship practices. Thus, the ability to understand and use Arabic well is an important factor in developing individual spiritual intelligence.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Penduduk Asli Pulau Komodo? Sebuah Kajian Linguistik Historis Komparatif dan Kaitannya dengan Persebaran Islam di Flores2024-06-30T02:08:40+00:00Rikke Tegar Sanubariantosali004@brin.go.idLalu Erwan Husnansali004@brin.go.idMagfirotul<p>Komodo is the only local language in Flores where all speakers are Muslim. In addition, the level of difference between this language and the surrounding languages is quite high. This study aims to identify the kinship of the language spoken by the people on Komodo Island and its relation to the spread of Islam in Flores. The approach used is comparative historical linguistics. Data were collected using interview and elicitation techniques using 1090 vocabularies in 12 observation points. The collected data were analyzed using Zikic's dialectometric method that compares the number of cognate vocabulary similarities. The results show that the language spoken by the people in Komodo Island tends to be related to the Mbojo language spoken on Sumbawa Island because it has an average cognate percentage of 43% which means that the two languages are two different dialects of the same language. Other elements that make up the Komodo language are Bajo (26%) and Manggarai (21%). The spread of the Komodo language is linked to the migration of people from the Sultanate of Bima to the western part of Flores Island. The distribution of Komodo speakers has significantly increased the concentration of the Muslim community in West Manggarai Regency.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studiesتحليل المعاني في الفعل الكلامي عند "نورة" في فلم الكرتون القصير باللغة العربية بعنوان "آداب الزيارة" في يوتوب2024-07-13T07:55:41+00:00Farhah Nadiyahfarhahnadiah2003@gmail.comNurdiana<p>Nauroh is one of the actresses in the short Arabic cartoon film entitled آداب الزيارة. Researchers discovered sociolinguistic phenomena relating to speech events consisting of several Nauroh speech acts in the cartoon film. This research is included in descriptive qualitative research. Researchers used a qualitative approach by describing the speech acts contained in Nauroh's communication with the people around him in the film. The results show that the meaning contained in the nauroh speech act is locutionary meaning, illocutionary meaning and perlocutionary meaning. And in the illocutionary speech act spoken by Nauroh there are 3 types of sentences, namely assertive, directive and expressive.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Bahasa dan Teknologi dalam Transformasi Pendidikan Menuju Era Emas2024-07-15T13:29:31+00:00Liana Rochmatul Malik<p>The transformation of education towards a golden era through the integration of language and technology is a progressive step that supports the vision of global education. Effective language becomes a means of accessing, understanding and interpreting information presented through technology. The aim of this research is to describe the integration of language and technology that can change education towards a golden era, as well as its impact on three aspects, namely (1) teaching effectiveness, (2) educational inclusivity, and (3) cross-cultural understanding in global society. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods supported by literature review. Data sources are teachers and students, and literature. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews and in-depth study of relevant literature. Next, the data is analyzed through reduction, interpretation and drawing conclusions. The results of this research are three aspects. First, the integration of language and technology has great potential to change education towards a golden era. Teachers can improve teaching effectiveness and prepare students to become skilled and well-rounded global citizens. Second, the integration of language and technology in education can direct education towards a golden era that is more inclusive and effective. Third, the integration of language and technology has great potential to deepen cross-cultural understanding in global society and promote culture internationally. This research is important for teachers, students, and educational technology developers.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Introduction of Islamic Religious Language in Madurese Society2024-06-30T14:32:42+00:00Moh Abdurrahman Wahidmuhammadabdurrahmanwahid@gmail.comRosalia Putriana Pratiwiadawiyahatikatul@gmail.comRohmatul Umahrohmatulumah@gmail.comAtikatul<p>This research examines the integration of Islam in the lives of the people of Madura, Indonesia. The study highlights how Islam has merged with local Madurese culture through religious practices, social traditions and cultural values. Focusing on the grebek maulid festival as an example of cultural transformation, as well as the practice of nyabis and the ter ater tradition as spiritual and social manifestations, this study reveals that Islam is not just a ritualistic religion but also a strong cultural identity in Madura. The philosophy of Madurese traditional songs also adds a moral dimension and outlook on life that is reflected in daily life. Customs such as Koloman and tanean lanjhang show flexibility in accepting Islamic values without losing local cultural roots. The results of this study provide a deeper understanding of how Islam not only changes religious practices, but also shapes the character and social identity of Madurese society as a whole. In this research, the method used is the literature study method.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Sebagai Media dalam Adaptasi Sosial Masyarakat Pendatang di Dusun Talangih Kecamatan Waru Pamekasan2024-07-15T16:53:43+00:00Hesty<p>This research is carried out to find out how language process has become social adaptation medium for immigrants at Dusun Talangih, Waru district of Pamekasan. This research uses qualitative research methods with a descriptive approach. The techniques of data collection used in this study are observation, interview, and documentation. The purpose of this research is to know the process of social adaptation of the immigrant people in Dusun Talangih Waru district of Pamekasan. The results of this study show that immigrant communities have different experiences in their process of adaptation. Some of them said that the process is easy but some others say the contrary. The immigrant communities also have to learn the Madurese language to survive whereever they live in Madura. Then, there are several stages of adaptation they have to fulfil, namely: honeymoon, culture shock, recovery, and adjustment.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Semiotic Meaning in Posters of the Palestinian<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research aims to analyze the semiotic meaning in posters about the Palestinian genocide on the social media platform Instagram. This study employs a qualitative method with a case study approach to analyze the meanings in the posters about the Palestinian genocide posted on Instagram in 2023, based on Roland Barthes' semiotic theory. This case study investigates contemporary phenomena in a real-life context, specifically regarding the Palestinian genocide. The data used comes from Instagram posters depicting the situation in Palestine through their characteristic symbols. Data collection techniques include screenshots, meaning analysis, and writing meanings according to Barthes' semiotic theory. The research findings show that these posters contain several main themes: criticism of global indifference, symbols of Palestinian identity and struggle, the suffering and resilience of the Palestinian people, hope and peace, criticism of international policies, the role of women and children in the conflict, and calls for action and attention. These posters effectively use powerful and emotional symbols to communicate messages about identity, struggle, suffering, hope, and criticism of the injustices experienced by the Palestinian people, aiming to draw sympathy, awareness, and action from the international community. The conclusion of this study indicates that these posters successfully convey important messages about the situation in Palestine through a semiotic approach.</span></p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Kebutuhan Pengembangan Buku Cerita Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Kediri dalam Menjaga dan Melestarikan Budaya2024-07-17T13:06:18+00:00Manfia Nurkholidahmanfiankh@gmail.comAlfi Amirul<p>Low interest in learning about culture and uninteresting teaching materials are factors in the decline of local wisdom knowledge in students, which can lead to the disintegration of national culture. This study aims to describe: (1) the need for the development of storybooks based on Kediri local wisdom; (2) teacher constraints encountered in the development of storybooks based on Kediri local wisdom; (3) the carrying capacity of the development of storybooks based on Kediri local wisdom for grade V students. This study used a mixed method approach (qualitative and quantitative) with the research subjects of grade V students and teachers in four elementary schools in Pare District. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques used descriptive statistics on quantitative data and source triangulation techniques (Miles and Huberman) on qualitative data. From the need assessment data analysis that has been done, the results obtained; (1) it is very important to develop a storybook based on Kediri local wisdom to increase pride in local culture; (2) The obstacles faced by teachers, namely; have never used teaching materials based on Kediri local wisdom, difficulty choosing teaching materials to explain local wisdom material and difficulty integrating local wisdom in learning materials. (3) Supporting capacity in developing storybooks, namely the principal provides training facilities and workshops based on local wisdom to teachers, school principals provide facilities to help teachers be creative in making teaching materials. It can be concluded that the development of local wisdom-based storybooks is an important and effective step. So that the results of this study can be used as a reference for further research in the form of developing storybook teaching materials based on local wisdom in Kediri.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Penggunaan Bahasa Gaul di Lingkungan Mahasiswa IAIN Madura: Perspektif Interaksionisme Simbolik2024-06-30T12:07:08+00:00Heni<p>This research investigates how students at IAIN Madura interact and create meaning using slang language within the framework of Symbolic Interactionism Theory. Specifically, it examines the extent of slang language usage, its impact on communication, and the social perception of students. Data from questionnaires, interviews, and observations indicate that slang language is predominantly used in casual interactions among students. The research reveals that students at IAIN Madura use slang language in casual interactions with peers (57%) and on social media (33%), with no reported usage of slang language in academic or family contexts. Students feel comfortable and adaptable when using slang language, considering it a symbolic system for conveying their identity, values, and perceptions, influenced by social values and personal preferences. These findings align with the principles of Symbolic Interactionism Theory and underscore the need for restrictions on slang language usage within academic environments, as the majority of students (67%) agree that it is essential for maintaining social norms and ethics and influencing how others perceive them.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Nilai Pendidikan Akhlak Qur’ani dalam Syair Gurindam Raja Ali Haji2024-06-15T09:43:54+00:00Khairunnas Jamalirunjamal@gmail.comMochammad Novendri Smochammadnovendrispt@gmail.comIlyas<p>This paper examines the interpretation of verses related to moral education in the third chapter of "Gurindam Dua Belas" and how their implementation is reflected in daily life. Moral education is critically needed in everyday life, as it is expected to serve as the main foundation for shaping the personality of a quality generation. When discussing moral education, several figures have emerged with their ideas and concepts on the subject. One such figure is Raja Ali Haji, who produced the monumental work "Gurindam Dua Belas," which includes several chapters discussing morals for Muslims in everyday life. This research is a library research and the methodology used in this study is thematic study (maudhu’i). Data related to this study were collected through literature review. This research is presented using qualitative techniques by explaining verse by verse related to Qur'anic education in "Gurindam Dua Belas" and its implementation in daily life, referencing the Qur'an as the primary data and relevant literature books as secondary data.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Istri sebagai Pencari Nafkah sebagai Pertimbangan Hakim dalam Pembagian Harta Bersama Pasca Perceraian2024-06-15T15:56:27+00:00Nabil Fikri<p>A role is a task performed according to one's status and position within social order. In a family, the husband acts as the father and leader, while the woman serves as the mother, wife, and family member. As times have progressed, many women work to meet their family's needs. Consequently, women often become the primary breadwinners when the husband's income is insufficient. This phenomenon leads to various issues, including divorce and the division of joint property. This division often favors the wife, despite violating existing regulations.The purpose of this research is to understand the judges' considerations in the division of joint property after divorce. This study uses qualitative research methods with a type of library research. The approach used is a normative juridical approach, while the data sources in this study are derived from books, journals, legislation, compilations of Islamic law, and jurisprudence from religious courts related to this research. Based on the analysis conducted, the researcher concludes that in several cases concerning joint property, the panel of judges awards a larger portion of the joint property to the wife. The judges' consideration for this division is based on the fact that in the joint property, the wife has played a larger role as the breadwinner of the family. Therefore, according to the judges, it is very fair for the wife to receive a larger portion than the husband.<br /><br />(Peran adalah pekerjaan yang dilakukan sesuai dengan status dan kedudukan dalam keteraturan sosial. Dalam keluarga, suami berperan sebagai ayah dan pemimpin, sedangkan wanita berperan sebagai ibu, istri, dan anggota keluarga. Perkembangan zaman membuat banyak wanita bekerja untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga. Akibatnya, wanita sering menjadi pencari nafkah utama saat suami tidak berpenghasilan cukup. Fenomena ini menimbulkan berbagai masalah, termasuk perceraian dan pembagian harta bersama. Pembagian ini sering kali menguntungkan istri, meski melanggar regulasi yang berlaku. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, pertimbangan hakim dalam pembagian harta bersama pasca perceraian. Penelitian ini menggunagan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitan pustaka (<em>library research</em>) adapun pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan yuridis normatif, sementara sumber data dalam penelitian ini yaitu bersumber dari buku-buku, jurnal, peraturan perundang-undangan, kompilasi hukum Islam dan yurisprudensi peradilan agama yang berkaitan dengan dengan penelitian ini. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa dalam beberapa kasus perkara mengenai harta bersama majelis hakim memberikan bagian harta bersama lebih banyak kepada pihak istri, adapun pertimbangan majelis hakim memberikan pembagian tersebut didasarkan pada pertimbangan yang mana pada harta bersama ini, pihak istri yang lebih banyak mengambil peran sebagai tulang punggung keluarga, sehingga menurut majelis hakim sanggat adil bila istri mendapatkan bagian yang lebih besar dari pihak suami.)</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Dinamika Keagamaan di Indonesia dalam Bingkai Sastra: Telaah Kumpulan Cerpen Lukisan Kaligrafi Karya A. Mustofa Bisri2024-07-15T14:43:52+00:00Abdul Karim Wirawanabdulkarimwira@gmail.comKhumaidi Abdillah<p>This article analyzes the representation of religious dynamics in Indonesia through a literary work consisting of a short story collections titled <em>Lukisan</em> <em>Kaligrafi</em> written by A. Mustofa Bisri. The research aims to understand how the author reflects the religious diversity in Indonesia and how religious dynamics are depicted in these short stories. To describe the religious dynamics, the research focuses on (1) extremism in the name of religion, (2) the politicization of religion, and (3) the potential for interreligious and intergroup conflicts portrayed in the <em>Lukisan Kaligrafi</em> Short Story Collections. The research method used is qualitative descriptive analysis of the short story collection, employing a sociological literary research approach. The research findings show that in the <em>Lukisan Kaligrafi</em> Short Story Collections, A. Mustofa Bisri successfully portrays the religious dynamics in Indonesia. The author manages to capture various aspects of society's life colored by religious differences and beliefs, as well as how the society interacts and responds to religious challenges. Literary works can serve as a powerful reflection of religious dynamics in Indonesia. They play a significant role in recording and representing the journey of religious dynamics within a complex and diverse society. This research provides valuable insights into the complexity of Indonesian society in the context of religion and religious life.<br /><br />(Artikel ini menganalisis representasi dinamika keagamaan di Indonesia melalui karya sastra berupa kumpulan cerita pendek berjudul Lukisan Kaligrafi karya A. Mustofa Bisri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami bagaimana pengarang merefleksikan keberagaman agama di Indonesia dan bagaimana dinamika keagamaan tergambar dalam cerpen-cerpen tersebut. Untuk mendeskripsikan dinamika keagamaan, penelitian berfokus pada (1) ekstremisme atas nama agama, (2) politisasi agama, dan (3) potensi konflik antaragama dan antargolongan yang tergambar dalam Kumpulan Cerpen Lukisan Kaligrafi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif kumpulan cerpen dengan pendekatan penelitian sosiologi sastra. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam Kumpulan Cerpen Lukisan Kaligrafi A. Mustofa Bisri berhasil menggambarkan dinamika keagamaan di Indonesia. Penulis berhasil menangkap berbagai aspek kehidupan masyarakat yang diwarnai oleh perbedaan agama dan keyakinan, serta bagaimana masyarakat berinteraksi dan menyikapi tantangan agama. Karya sastra dapat menjadi cerminan kuat dinamika keagamaan di Indonesia. Mereka berperan penting dalam merekam dan merepresentasikan perjalanan dinamika keagamaan dalam masyarakat yang kompleks dan beragam. Penelitian ini memberikan wawasan berharga mengenai kompleksitas masyarakat Indonesia dalam konteks keagamaan dan kehidupan beragama.)</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Syndrome: Self-Forgiveness’ Dynamics in Victims of Dating Violence in Z Generation2024-06-25T08:50:30+00:00Iswatun Hasanahiswatunhasanahiainmadura@gmail.comAnna Rizqi<p>This research aims to determine the relationship between Stockholm Syndrome and Self-forgiveness in victims of violence in Z Gen. The infinitive population with sample criteria are victims of violence in a boyfriend/girlfriend with an age range of 14-26 years using a nonprobability sampling technique. The total sample is 49 from various levels of education and ages of Z Gen. The instrument uses the Stockholm Syndrome Self-forgiveness Scale. The data analysis technique uses product-moment correlation. Self-forgiveness can improve interpersonal relationships in various problem situations, because it can free negative emotions such as anger, depression, and guilt, as well as give rise to a forgiving spirit within oneself, with Self-forgiveness individuals will love themselves and improve themselves in a better direction. Research results are obtained with a significance value of 0,024 < 0,05 and a calculated r-value of -0,323 > 0,2377 (r table), meaning that there is a significant negative correlation between the two variables. With every change in the Self-forgiveness variable, the Stockholm Syndrome variable will decrease to around 0,323.</p> <p>[Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan <em>Stockholm Syndrome</em> dengan <em>Self-forgiveness</em> pada korban kekerasan pada Z Gen. Populasi infinitif dengan kriteria sampel adalah korban kekerasan pada pacar dengan rentang usia 14-26 tahun dengan menggunakan metode nonprobability sampling. teknik. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 49 orang dari berbagai tingkat pendidikan dan usia Z Gen. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah Skala <em>Stockholm Syndrome Self-forgiveness</em>. Teknik analisis data menggunakan korelasi <em>product moment</em>. <em>Self-forgiveness</em> dapat meningkatkan hubungan interpersonal dalam berbagai situasi permasalahan, karena dapat melepaskan emosi negatif seperti kemarahan, depresi, dan rasa bersalah, serta memunculkan semangat memaafkan dalam diri, dengan <em>Self-forgiveness</em> individu akan mencintai dirinya sendiri dan memperbaiki dirinya. ke arah yang lebih baik. Diperoleh hasil penelitian dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,024 < 0,05 dan nilai r hitung sebesar -0,323 > 0,2377 (r tabel), artinya terdapat korelasi negatif yang signifikan antara kedua variabel. Setiap terjadi perubahan pada variabel <em>Self-forgiveness</em> maka variabel Stockholm Syndrome akan mengalami penurunan menjadi sekitar 0,323.]</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Mamaca Masyarakat Sumenep: Upaya Mengkaji Tatakrama di Era Society 5.02024-07-15T09:44:48+00:00Cici' Wilantiniciciwilantini12@yahoo.comNelya Bani<p>The mamaca tradition is a cultural heritage that is full of educational and social values in it. Relations between human beings which are regulated through customs and become the character of local etiquette are also included in the discussion. This research aims to examine how the mamaca tradition can act as a tool for instilling etiquette values in the digital era. This research will explore the practice of mamaca in Sumenep society, the values contained in it, and clarify how important this mamaca tradition is in the midst of increasingly sophisticated technological developments. The approach used in this research is qualitative, namely building knowledge statements on the basis of a constructive perspective and using descriptive research. The results of this research are that the people of Sumenep study manners through the mamaca tradition in the era of society 5.0 by: firstly, considering it as a unique lecture method, secondly, there is a more extensive explanation of the pategghes, thirdly, recording the contents of the translation and reading it repeatedly, fourthly, by preserving it. Then, in this way, the people of Sumenep foster the application of good manners in a skill known as 4C; creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration to live in the era of society 5.0. The role of the mamaca tradition for the people of Sumenep is to help educate young people (bepak bebuk, guru, rato), increase feelings of solidarity in a group, provide social sanctions so that people behave well or give punishment, act as a means of social criticism, provide a pleasant escape. from reality, and turn boring work into play.<br /><br />(Tradisi mamaca merupakan warisan budaya yang penuh akan nilai-nilai pendidikan dan sosial di dalamnya. Hubungan antar sesama manusia yang diatur melalui kebiasaan dan menjadi karakter tatakrama wilayah setempat juga terdapat pada pembahasannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana tradisi mamaca dapat berperan sebagai alat untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai tatakrama di era digital. Penelitian ini akan mengeksplorasi praktik mamaca dalam masyarakat Sumenep, nilai-nilai yang terkandung di dalamnya, serta mengklarifikasi seberapa berperannya tradisi mamaca ini di tengah perkembangan teknologi yang semakin canggih. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif yaitu membangun pernyataan pengetahuan atas dasar perspektif-konstruktif dan menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu masyarakat Sumenep mengkaji tatakrama melalui tradisi mamaca di era society 5.0 ini dengan cara; pertama, menganggapnya sebagai metode ceramah yang unik, kedua, adanya penjelasan yang lebih melebar dari <em>pategghes</em>, ketiga, mencatat isi terjemahan dan membacanya berulang kali, keempat, dengan cara melestarikannya. Kemudian cara tersebut pada masyarakat Sumenep menumbuhkan penerapan tatakrama dalam kemampuan yang dikenal sebagai 4C; <em>creatifity</em> (kreatifitas), <em>critical thinking</em> (pemikiran kritis), <em>communication</em> (komunikasi), dan <em>colaboration</em> kolaborasi untuk hidup di era <em>society </em>5.0. Adapun peran dari tradisi mamaca bagi masyarakat Sumenep ialah membantu pendidikan anak muda (<em>bepak bebuk, guru, rato</em>), meningkatkan perasaan solidaritas suatu kelompok, memberi sanksi sosial agar orang berperilaku baik atau memberi hukuman, berperan sebagai sarana kritik sosial, memberikan suatu pelarian yang menyenangkan dari kenyataan, dan mengubah pekerjaan yang mebosankan menjadi permainan.)</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Determinants of Indonesian Students’ Reading Performance: An Analysis through PISA Data 2015 Wave2024-07-07T04:07:13+00:00M. Mujiya<p>This study investigates the determinants of Indonesian students’ performance of reading proxied by plausible value (PV) of reading provided by OECD PISA. The PISA 2015 data is used to answer this research question. A multivariate linear regression is used; as the dependent variable is PV of reading, while the information concerning student’s background is used as independent variables, i.e., student’s personal characteristics: age and gender; family background: index of economic, social, and cultural status as well as ICT possession at home; and classroom’s climate: perceived feedback from teacher. Result shows that all determinants but student’s age are significant at the level of 5%. Several tests to examine the classical assumptions, such as normality of the residuals, test for heteroscedasticity and collinearity are performed. According to these tests, no severe problems occur.</p> <p>(Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja membaca siswa Indonesia menggunakan nilai plausibel (PV) dari data PISA 2015 yang disediakan oleh OECD. Regresi linear multivariat digunakan dengan PV membaca sebagai variabel dependen. Variabel independen meliputi karakteristik siswa seperti usia dan jenis kelamin, latar belakang keluarga seperti indeks status ekonomi, sosial, dan budaya, kepemilikan TIK di rumah, serta iklim kelas yang diukur melalui umpan balik yang dirasakan dari guru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua faktor, kecuali usia siswa, berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja membaca pada tingkat signifikansi 5%. Uji asumsi klasik termasuk normalitas residual, heteroskedastisitas, dan kolinearitas tidak mengidentifikasi masalah yang signifikan).</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies of the Dominant Role of Mothers in Forming Children's Character: A Study of the Text Structure and Meaning of Father-Son Dialogue in the Qur'an through a Literary Sociology<p>This research is based on the finding that the dialogue between parents and their sons as immortalized in the Qur'an is more dialogue between fathers and their sons than dialogues between mothers and their sons. Logically, the long journey full of struggle that a mother goes through starting from conceiving, giving birth, nurturing and raising her children, of course has an impact on the amount of interaction and communication between mother and child. However, in fact the dialogue between parents and their children that is immortalized in the Qur'an is more of a dialogue between fathers and their children. Therefore, this research aims to reveal the structure and meaning of the dialogue between a father and his son in the verses of the Qur'an through the use of literary sociology theory, namely genetic structuralism. From the discussion it was found that the language structure of the dialogue between father and son varied, some used the ma'aniy language style, and some used the bayan language style. The use of the interjection “يا“ to call someone close by is a perfect signal to indicate the position of the person being called. In terms of meaning, the father's dialogue with his son shows the father's function as a provider of the foundation of faith, a guide in carrying out Islamic law, as well as an educator and character builder. From the results of the discussion it can be concluded that the father's dialogue with his son refutes the dominant role of the mother in forming son's character, and emphasizes the main role of the father. </p> <p> </p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies and International Language Rivalry in Islamic Boarding Schools of Isnainilailatulisnaini@gmail.comAinur Rohisul Zainal Abdi<p>For the second language programmers and learners, an Islamic boarding school is the most effective place to teach and practice the so called global or international languages and the local ones. The term international language, in this study, refers to English and Arabic language meanwhile Madurese language is related to the local or native language. This study is about to describe three phenomena, <em>firstly</em>, how Islamic boarding schools develop English and Arabic languages to the students, <em>secondly</em> how it maintains the existence of Madurese language, and <em>finally</em> how the rivalry both sides in the use of communication in Islamic boarding schools. It is qualitative in design by maximizing the Schutz phenomenology The locus of study is spread through the Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan, and Sumenep regios of Islamic boarding schools. The research results that is that the use of Madura by kiai, boarding managers, and students is very intense and massive. The intensity is due to the high commitment to maintenance for the conservation and preservation of Madura culture, one of which is the Madura language. Meanwhile the Arabic and English languages are taught and used more formal occasions.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies BAHASA GAUL MAHASISWA PGMI IAIN MADURA PADA PERKULIAHAN PRAKTIK MENGAJAR I TAHUN 2024 (Mengurai Eksistensi Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Madura Generasi Z)2024-07-02T01:05:47+00:00Tri<p>National language (Indonesian) and Madurese as a regional language are cultural heritages that must be preserved to unify people of various ethnicities and races. However, in this era of globalization, Generation Z faces the challenge of widespread use of slang language. PGMI students from the Faculty of Tarbiyah at IAIN Madura, as part of Generation Z, are the focus of this study. The research questions posed are: What are the varieties and contexts of the use of slang language displayed by PGMI students during their teaching practice sessions? What are the impacts of using slang language by students? How can the existence of Indonesian and Madurese languages be maintained amidst the widespread use of slang language? This study adopts a descriptive qualitative approach to explore the phenomenon of slang language use by PGMI students during their teaching practice sessions at IAIN Madura. The research findings indicate that PGMI students in the 2024 teaching practice sessions actively use slang language in various contexts, except during teaching practice activities. They maintain the existence of Indonesian and Madurese languages despite the prevalent use of slang language around them. This reflects their commitment to distinguish between formal and informal situations and to maintain professionalism as future educators. Therefore, PGMI students at IAIN Madura set a positive example in preserving language diversity and enriching linguistic values in their academic environment.</p> <p>(Bahasa nasional (Indonesia) dan Bahasa Madura sebagai bahasa daerah merupakan warisan budaya yang harus dilestarikan untuk menyatukan masyarakat dari berbagai suku dan ras. Namun, dalam era globalisasi ini, generasi Z dihadapkan pada tantangan maraknya penggunaan bahasa gaul. Mahasiswa PGMI Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Madura, sebagai bagian dari generasi Z, menjadi sorotan dalam penelitian ini. Rumusan masalah yang diketengahkan, Apa saja ragam dan konteks penggunaan bahasa gaul yang ditampilkan oleh mahasiswa PGMI Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Madura saat perkuliahan praktik mengajar I ? Apa dampak yang ditimbulkan dari penggunaan bahasa gaul oleh mahasiswa? Bagaimana eksistensi Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Madura dapat dipertahankan di tengah maraknya penggunaan bahasa gaul? Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif untuk menggali fenomena penggunaan bahasa gaul oleh mahasiswa PGMI Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Madura saat perkuliahan praktik mengajar I. Hasil penelitian bahwa; Mahasiswa PGMI IAIN Madura pada perkuliahan praktik mengajar I tahun 2024 menunjukkan bahwa mereka aktif menggunakan bahasa gaul dalam berbagai konteks, kecuali saat berada dalam kegiatan praktik mengajar. Mereka tetap mempertahankan eksistensi Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Madura meskipun di sekitar mereka maraknya penggunaan bahasa gaul. Hal ini mencerminkan komitmen mereka dalam membedakan situasi formal dan informal, serta menjaga profesionalisme sebagai calon pendidik. Dengan demikian, mahasiswa PGMI IAIN Madura memberikan contoh positif dalam menjaga keberagaman bahasa dan memperkaya nilai-nilai kebahasaan dalam lingkungan akademik mereka.)</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Media LCD Proyektor dalam Meningkatkan Kemahiran Membaca Kitab Kuning pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Arab2024-07-03T07:51:26+00:00Hoiron Abroriongambarawa96@gmail.comHalimatus Sa'diyahhalimah261282@gmail.comMuliatul<p>There is a phenomenon occurring in the second grade of MDTW Darul Karomah, which is the low level of students' skills in reading the yellow book in Arabic language subjects, particularly in Nahwu Shorrof, due to a lack of student motivation in the learning process. To address this issue, the researcher attempted to use an LCD projector as a learning medium. The use of an LCD projector is very suitable in this modern era, as it can enhance student motivation during the learning process, thereby improving their skills in reading the yellow book in Nahwu Shorrof. This study employs a qualitative approach with the type of classroom action research (CAR). The subjects of this research are the students of the second grade at MDTW Darul Karomah Larangan Pamekasan. The data collected by the researcher includes interviews, observations, documentation, and reading tests. The research results indicate that the level of students' skills in reading the yellow book in Nahwu Shorrof at MDTW Darul Karomah Larangan Pamekasan, with a predetermined success rate of 80% of students achieving the minimum competency criteria (KKM), showed that in cycle I the percentage was 62.93%, in cycle II it was 74.6%, and in cycle III it reached 83.6%, with very good criteria. Thus, it can be stated that the use of an LCD projector as a learning medium is very effective for application in the second grade at MDTW Darul Karomah Larangan Pamekasan.<br /><br />(Ada fenomena yang terjadi di kelas 2 MDTW Darul Karomah yaitu rendahnya tingkat kemahiran siswa dalam membaca kitab kuning pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab khususnya materi Nahwu Shorrof karena kurangnya motivasi belajar siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran. Untuk mengatasi persoalan tersebut peneliti mencoba menggunakan media pembelajaran LCD Proyektor. Media pembelajaran LCD Proyektor sangat cocok diterapkan di era modern ini, karena dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemahiran siswa dalam membaca kitab kuning pada mata pelajaran Nahwu Shorrof. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Subjek penelitian ini yaitu siswa siswi kelas 2 MDTW Darul Karomah Larangan Pamekasan. Data yang diperoleh peneliti yaitu dengan wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi dan <em>reading test.</em> Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kemahiran siswa dalam membaca kitab kuning pada mata pelajaran Nahwu Shorrof di kelas 2 MDTW Darul Karomah Larangan Pamekasan dengan tingkat keberhasilan yang sudah ditetapkan yaitu 80% siswa yang mencapai KKM, siklus I memperoleh presentase 62,93%, siklus II memperoleh presentase 74,6% dan siklus III memperoleh 83,6% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa media pembelajaran LCD Proyektor sangat efektif untuk di terapkan di kelas 2 MDTW Darul Karomah Larangan Pamekasan).</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Style and Islamic Wisdom in Madurese Tembhâng Macapat Manuscripts: A Stylistic Study2024-07-15T05:40:59+00:00Rabi'<p>Literary works as part of the arts should have the function of washing the purity of the human soul. <em>Tembhâng macapat</em> is full of rules and contains advice, advice, and various wisdoms of the community's outlook on life, <em>tembhâng is </em>used as a means of building refinement and a sense of beauty. Therefore, in every beauty of the lyrics, advice is tucked away, everything can be contained by <em>tembhâng macapat </em>with various language styles used, both things that are clearly visible in the form of explicit, or implied. This research aims to examine how the language style used in <em>Tembhâng macapat</em> Madura and the wisdom value contained in it. This philological research is a descriptive qualitative research with a stylistic approach. The data in this study are words, sentences in the manuscript of oral literature of <em>Tembhâng macapat</em>. The data is then analyzed with the stages of transcription, identification, classification, and data description. Based on the results of research on Madurese <em>tembhâng-tembhâng, </em>there are five types of figurative language styles used by the authors, namely simile, personification, satire, allegory, and cynicism. In addition, there are also five Islamic wisdom values in <em>tembhâng macapat</em>, namely, the value of tawhid, the recommendation to be grateful, to avoid haste, to fight laziness, and the prohibition of slander and to keep the tongue so as not to hurt others.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Analysis of the Effect of Excessive Exposure to Media (Slangs in Urdu) on Students’ Communication at Graduate Level in Pakistani University, During Covid-192024-06-30T11:38:17+00:00Gulnaz Afzaal<p>The present study is a qualitative study and it focuses on the effects of media especially on the vocabulary of the students. The students at graduation level of NUML University, that is renowned for the language courses in Asia are assessed by their respective teachers during written and presentation tasks. This study is a qualitative analysis through the interviews comprised of fifteen open-ended questions from the teachers that are teaching to 4<sup>th</sup> semester of BS English. The data from transcribed interviews is analysed thematically using NVIVO, The study aims to find the problems of student’s academic language due to effect of over exposure to screen. This study also suggests possible solutions for future. It recommends training teachers with IT for Education Purposes. Lectures are to be prepared to cope with such kind of natural disasters. This study will be helpful for the curriculum designers and also for the media controlling policies to work positively specially for the academic language of students at university level.</p> <p>The present study is a qualitative study and it focuses on the effects of Slangs used in Urdu language of media especially on the vocabulary of the students. The students at graduation level of NUML University, that is renowned for the language courses in Asia are assessed by their respective teachers during written and presentation tasks. This study is a qualitative analysis through the interviews comprised of fifteen open-ended questions from the teachers that are teaching to 4th semester of BS English. </p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Pragmatik Sebagai Implementasi Media Pembelajaran Islami dan Berkarakter dalam Novel Sinar: Cerita dari Tanah Mandar Karya Aguk Irawan Mn2024-07-15T12:28:55+00:00Yamema Lovela Septiaralovelasepti@gmail.comSiti<p>The literature-in-the-curriculum program is in the spotlight of the media in Indonesia, involving literature as a medium of learning, especially novels. involving literary works as learning media, especially novels. Learning media are Islamic and character learning media in novels that can be analyzed using pragmatic studies. This study aims to examine and analyze pragmatic studies in the novel Sinar: Certa dari Tanah Mandar which is then implemented into the Islamic and character learning media. The method used is qualitative descriptive method. The material object in the research is the novel Sinar: Cerita dari Tanah Mandar which consists of 328 pages. The formal object used is pragmatics study with the focus of speech acts. The result of the research is found 8 data of directive speech acts and 8 local stories or legends of West Sulawesi that containing Islamic education values and character. These values also explained in the Qur'an and Hadith as a foundation and can be implemented in everyday life. Islamic and character education value that are explicitly conveyed in the novel prove the intertwined relationship between literature, language, and religion. The novel Sinar: Cerita dari Tanah Mandar can be used as a medium for Islamic learning and character building as well as supporting literature programs in the curriculum.<br /><br />(Program sastra masuk kurikulum menjadi sorotan media di Indonesia yang melibatkan karya sastra sebagai media pembelajaran, khususnya novel. Media pembelajaran yang dimaksud merupakan media pembelajaran islami dan berkarakter dalam novel yang bisa dianalisis menggunakan kajian pragmatik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji dan menelaah kajian pragmatik dalam novel Sinar: Cerita dari Tanah Mandar yang kemudian diimplementasikan ke media pembelajaran islami dan berkarakter. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Objek material dalam penelitian ini adalah novel Sinar: Cerita dari Tanah Mandar. Objek formal yang digunakan adalah kajian pragmatik dengan fokus tindak tutur. Hasil penelitian adalah ditemukan 8 data tindak tutur direktif dan 8 cerita lokal atau legenda Sulawesi Barat yang mengandung pendidikan berkarakter dan nilai-nilai islami. Nilai-nilai tersebut dijelaskan dalam Al-Qur’an dan Hadis sebagai landasan dan bisa diimplementasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Nilai Pendidikan berkarakter yang islami disampaikan secara eksplisit dalam novel sehingga membuktikan adanya hubungan sastra, bahasa, dan agama yang terjalin sangat erat. Novel Sinar: Cerita dari Tanah Mandar dapat dijadikan media pembelajaran berkarakter yang mengandung nilai-nilai Islami, sehingga dapat mendukung program sastra masuk kurikulum.)</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies (Tanpa) Negara: Revitalisasi Bahasa dan Identitas Diri Anak Urban Indonesia di Malaysia2024-07-14T15:54:18+00:00Fathol<p>Language is the identity of one's nationality and commonality. In a language that is often identical to a communication tool, it is also called expression and expression of what happens around it. With different backgrounds language usually becomes the main part of self-identity. How do the language and self-identity of Indonesian urban children become divided in Malaysia? How are the social background and urban education in Malaysia? This is based on field notes from some interview results, observations, and documentation at a Malaysian Student School. Using a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach, the initial data is generated starting with a short time from June 4-11, 2024. Some data are also obtained from various sources and are fully accountable to the author. Based on this, the fieldnote found a new novelty related to the language, social, cultural, and identity of Indonesian urban children in Malaysia. Indonesian children have accurate performance, especially in mathematical lessons but are weak in reading and writing. This finding is proud at the same time worrying. Proud that Indonesian urban children in Malaysia have academic achievements, also worrying because from language they show “the identity of the divided child”. The identity is based on the background of a different citizenship between his father and his mother. This difference makes these urban children often experience split personalities between languages, and cultural, social, and economic identities in the family.<br /><br />(Bahasa merupakan identitas diri kebangsaan dan komunalitas seseorang. Dengan bahasa yang seringkali identik dengan alat komunikasi dimaknai pula sebagai pengungkapan dan pemaknaan atas apa yang terjadi di sekelilingnya. Dengan latar belakang berbeda seringkali bahasa menjadi bagian utama dalam identitas diri. Bagaimana bahasa dan identitas diri anak urban menjadi terbelah? Bagaimana latar belakang sosial dan pendidikan anak urban di Malaysia? Tulisan ini didasarkan pada catatan lapangan (fieldnote) yang disarikan dari beberapa hasil wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi pada sebuah Sanggar Belajar di Malaysia. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis, data awal diolah dengan didalami mulai dengan waktu yang singkat mulai 4-11 Juni 2024. Beberapa data diperoleh pula dari berbagai sumber dengan sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab penulis. Berdasarkan hal tersebut fieldnote menemukan hal yang baru (novelty) berkaitan dengan bahasa, sosial, budaya dan identitas anak kaum urban Indonesia di Malaysia. Anak-anak Indonesia mempunyai prestasi eksakta, khususnya pelajaran matematika tetapi lemah dalam membaca dan menulis. Temuan ini membanggakan sekaligus memprihatinkan. Membanggakan karena anak urban Indonesia di Malaysia memiliki prestasi akademik, juga memprihatinkan karena dari bahasa menunjukkan “identitas diri anak yang terbelah”. Identitas tersebut berdasarkan pada latar belakang kewarganegaraan yang berbeda antara bapak dan ibunya. Keberbedaan ini membuat anak-anak urban ini seringkali mengalami split-personality antara bahasa, identitas kultural, sosial, ekonomi pada keluarga).</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Relevance of Q.S. An-Nisa Verse 4 and Jujuran in Banjar Language2024-06-27T00:18:58+00:00Muhammad Zaki Mubarakzaki.baroka@gmail.comMuhammad<p>Jujuran is the same as a dowry, that's roughly the way of thinking and knowledge of some Banjar people. Shoduqotihinna in Q.S. An-Nisa (4): 4 means dowry. This article aims to examine in more depth regarding jujuran and its relevance to Q.S. An-Nisa (4): 4. This research method uses normative legal research methods. Using comparative and conceptual approaches. The technique for collecting legal materials is carried out using library research with analysis of legal materials carried out qualitatively. Although in terms of giving a dowry and jujuran, there are similarities in giving with pleasure. Nowadays, jujuran is just a tradition ('urf). Most likely using jujur language in jujuran money is influenced by the language used in the Al-Qur'an and the use of Malay Arabic in the past which became the basis for use in books with an Islamic perspective, especially in Southeast Asia (Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia). Jujuran in Banjar society has the impression of an obligation such as a dowry. This happened because of a misconception in understanding the verse on giving dowry in Q.S. An-Nisa (4): 4. The use of the word shaduqatihinna has the root word shadaqa which can be interpreted as jujur, enabling the fuqaha in the South Kalimantan area in the past to use the local language of jujuran.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Intellectual Trends in Postcolonial Studies: An Analytical Review2024-06-10T00:36:59+00:00Agik Nur Kurniawatierikakurnia27@gmail.comPandu Meidian<p>This study aims to describe trends in the trajectory of intellectual discourse in the field of Postcolonial Studies. The research background underscores the growing significance of postcolonial scholarship in understanding power dynamics, identity politics, and cultural representations. Employing citation analysis, the study focuses on identifying seminal works, influential authors, and thematic clusters to map the intellectual landscape. Methodologically, it employs bibliometric techniques to analyze scholarly publications and citation patterns. The findings reveal evolving trends, emerging themes, and interdisciplinary connections within postcolonial studies. This research contributes to a nuanced understanding of postcolonial discourse and provides insights for scholars, educators, and policymakers navigating this complex field.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Free Nutritious Meals for Children in the Quran: A Literature Study of Economic (Iqtishadi) and Maqasid (Maqashidi) Perspectives in Tafsir2024-07-15T10:57:25+00:00Abdul Hamid Hafidabdulhamidhafid29@gmail.comAtiqatul<p>This research discusses the free nutritious meal programme for children promised by Prabowo Subianto and Gibran, which aims to provide nutritious food for 80 million children, pregnant women, and toddlers in Indonesia, with a budget of 450 trillion Rupiah per year. Using a qualitative method, this study analyses Qur'anic verses, hadith, tafsir, and literature related to Islamic economics and maqashid sharia. The results show that the iqtishadi perspective emphasises fair food distribution, avoiding usury and hoarding, and promoting social justice. The maqashidi perspective emphasises the importance of nutritious food to achieve public good and prevent harm, focusing on hifz al-nafs and hifz al-'aql for children's health. This research contributes to the literature on Islamic economics and maqashid sharia, offers practical guidance for food policy, and can help address malnutrition and food security.<br /><br />(Penelitian ini membahas program makan bergizi gratis untuk anak-anak yang dijanjikan oleh Prabowo Subianto dan Gibran, bertujuan menyediakan makanan bergizi bagi 80 juta anak, ibu hamil, dan balita di Indonesia, dengan anggaran 450 Triliun Rupiah per tahun. Menggunakan metode kualitatif, penelitian ini menganalisis ayat-ayat Al-Qur'an, hadis, tafsir, dan literatur terkait ekonomi Islam serta maqashid syariah. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa perspektif iqtishadi menekankan distribusi makanan yang adil, menghindari riba dan penimbunan, serta mendorong keadilan sosial. Perspektif maqashidi menekankan pentingnya makanan bergizi untuk mencapai kemaslahatan umum dan mencegah kerusakan, dengan fokus pada hifz al-nafs dan hifz al-'aql untuk kesehatan anak-anak. Penelitian ini berkontribusi pada literatur ekonomi Islam dan maqashid syariah, menawarkan panduan praktis untuk kebijakan pangan, dan dapat membantu mengatasi malnutrisi serta ketahanan pangan.)</p>2024-10-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Strategies in Arabic and English as Foreign Language: Study Perspective of Multilingual2024-10-17T13:43:57+00:00Yuliawatiedliawati55@gmail.comAchmad<p>A multilingual must have a special learning strategy to gain mastery of a new language. This study aims to find out the learning strategies used by Arabic teachers who are very proficient in English. This case study uses interviews to gain a deeper understanding of the processes, strategies, and challenges in mastering foreign languages, namely Arabic and English. The results show that multilinguals use social and cognitive strategies in the field of practice and social interaction. Meanwhile, multilinguals use auxiliary resources like YouTube, Instagram, TikTok social media, and others to keep up their foreign language proficiency. The difficulties a multilingual person has are primarily cognitive, such as the various word structures found in each foreign language. It is expected that language learners who wish to acquire a foreign language will use this case study as a reference.</p>2024-10-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies ظواهر التدخل المفرداتي في مجموعة الوتساب "دروس اللغة" (دراسة تحليلية تقومية)2024-07-14T09:24:40+00:00Nurdiana<p>The existence of the WhatsApp group “Language Lessons” is as a wasilah to train Arabic language skills. In the process of communication trough the group, there was interference with <em>mufrodat</em>. So that in this study a descriptive qualitative method is used to analyze and describe the <em>mufrodat</em> error. The data source used in this study is the writing language in the whatsApp group “Language Lessons”. And in the data analysis, three stages are used, namely the data condensation stage, data presentation, and conclusion drawn. The focus of the research in this study is two, the first is how the interference phenomenon occurs in the Durusul Lughah WhatsApp Group. And the second is what is meant by the type of <em>mufrodat</em> error that occurs in the Durusul Lughah WhatsApp Group. Then the result of the focus of the problem is that the phenomenon of mufrodat fatigue often occur when they send a message through written language. And this type of <em>mufrodat</em> errors is caused by the lack of knowledge possessed by the speaker about <em>mufrodat,</em> and also due to the influence of the mother tongue.<br /><br />(<em>WhatsApp </em>grup “Durusul Lughah” yaitu adalah media untuk melatih kemampuan berbahasa arab. Komunikasi yang digunakan di grup ini menggunakan bahasa arab aktif, baik tulis maupun bicara. Sehingga peneliti menemukan interferensi bahasa saat anggota grup menulis pesan. Objek penelitian ini adalah tulisan pesan di WAG “Durusul Lughah”. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan tentang interferensi mufrodat tersebut. Fokus penelitian dalam kajian ini yaitu ada dua, yang pertama bagaimana fenomena interferensi yang terjadi di <em>WhatsApp </em>grup “Durusul Lughah”. Dan yang kedua apa yang dimaksud dengan jenis kesalahan mufrodat yang terjadi di <em>WhatsApp </em>grup “Durusul Lughah”. Kemudian hasil dari fokus perasalahan tersebut bahwa fenomena kesalahan mufroat banyak terjadi ketika mereka mengirim sebuah pesan melalui bahasa tulisan. Dan jenis kesalahan mufrodat tersebut diakibatkan karena kurangnya pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh penutur tentang mufrodat, dan juga diakibatkan oleh pengaruh dari bahasa ibu).</p>2024-10-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies in the BIPA Book "Sahabatku Indonesia": A Corpus-Based Study2024-06-27T02:17:44+00:00Dadang<p>This research aims to describe a number of vocabulary words contained in the BIPA book "<em>Sahabatku Indonesia</em>" levels BIPA 1 to BIPA 7 published by Kemendikbudristek. This vocabulary list can later be used as a basis for compiling a BIPA dictionary or can be used as a learning medium for vocabulary that BIPA students must master. This research uses mixed methods, namely combining a quantitative approach and a qualitative approach by utilizing corpus linguistic research methods. The research data is in the form of vocabulary contained in the book BIPA Sahabatku Indonesia levels 1 to level 7 published by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Based on the results of research and analysis, it is known that (1) not all book levels experience an increase in vocabulary. The number of tokens and the number of dictions at each level do not show consistency; (2) the word class that appears most frequently is a noun; (3) the ten highest frequency vocabularies are conjunctions, prepositions, and pronouns; (4) the highest frequency vocabulary in the <em>Sahabatku Indonesia</em> book is similar to the general vocabulary of Indonesian, Sketch Engine Corpora, and Leipzig Corpora.</p>2024-10-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies Lingkungan Hidup: Membongkar Narasi Penindasan dalam Karya Sastra Perspektif Postkolonial Ecocriticism Graham Huggan dan Helen Tiffin2024-07-15T16:14:31+00:00Vini<p style="text-align: justify; margin: 0cm 28.3pt 0cm 1.0cm;"><span style="font-size: 11.0pt;">Neocolonialism in third-world countries persists in the form of human and environmental oppression. This oppression serves the capitalist agenda through large corporations. This research aims to expose the colonial narratives perpetuated by capitalists and states as reflected in Indonesian literary works. The formal framework adopted in this study is the perspective of Postcolonial Ecocriticism by Graham Huggan and Helen Tiffin, with the material objects of analysis being two literary works: "Tanggal Tujuh Belas Tanpa Tahun" by Triyanto Triwikromo and the short story "Teluk Nyomit" by Korrie Layun Rampan. The study seeks to elucidate the position of literature and its relationship with developmental discourse in modern society, and to examine its vulnerability to abuses of power wielded by state apparatus. Additionally, this article examines the faces of oppression faced by indigenous communities and the environment under capitalist systems. The research employs the Critical Discourse Analysis approach by Fairclough. The findings demonstrate that literature plays aesthetic, advocacy, and activist roles in unraveling oppression depicted in Indonesian literary works, portraying indigenous communities in both narratives as marginalized and displaced from their ancestral lands.<br /><br />(</span>Neokolonialisasi di negara ketiga senantiasa terus berlangsung dalam bentuk penindasan manusia dan lingkungan. Bentuk penindasan ini mengarah ke tujuan kapitalisme melalui perusahaan-perusahaan besar. Penelitian ini hendak membongkar narasi kolonial yang dilakukan oleh pemilik modal dan negara yang termuat dalam karya sastra Indonesia. Objek formal yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah perspektif <em>Postcolonial Ecocriticism</em> Graham Huggan dan Helen Tiffin, sedangkan objek materialnya menggunakan dua karya sastra, yang masing-masing berjudul “Tanggal Tujuh Belas Tanpa Tahun” karya Triyanto Triwikromo dan cerpen berjudul “Teluk Nyomit” karya Korrie Layun Rampan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan posisi sastra dan kaitannya dengan wacana pembangunan dalam masyarakat modern serta melihat keterpengaruhannya dari <em>abuse of power</em> yang digunakan oleh perangkat negara, selain itu, artikel ini juga hendak melihat wajah penindasan masyarakat adat dan lingkungan yang dilakukan oleh sistem kapitalisme. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan Analisis Wacana Kritis Fairclouh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sastra memiliki peran estetika, advokasi, dan aktivisme dalam membongkas penindasan yang termuat dalam karya sastra Indonesia, dan masyarakat adat dalam kedua cerpen ditampilkan dalam potret yang tersisih dan terusir dari tanahnya sendiri.)</p>2024-10-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies of Digital Teaching Material Model with Content and Language Integrated Learning Approach for Regional Languages2024-06-23T07:44:14+00:00Memmy Dwi Jayantimemmy.unindra@gmail.comYumna<p>The aim of the research is to determine effectiveness of digital teaching materials model with content and language integrated learning approach for elementary school students as a local content of regional languages in Banyuwangi, East Java. The method used is quantitative research with pretest-posttest design techniques one group to test effectiveness of the model of teaching materials in two different classes. From the field test showed pretest results with an average value of 65 and 78.33 posttest results for the first class , while the second class pretest results with an average value of 63.27 and 72.55 posttest results. Effectiveness test obtained in both classes are there are differences in the results before and after using digital teaching materials with content and language integrated learning. The conclusion in this study is that digital teaching materials with content and language integrated learning effective to use in elementary schools students as a local content of regional languages.<br /><br />(Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas model bahan ajar digital dengan pendekatan pembelajaran terpadu konten dan bahasa bagi siswa sekolah dasar sebagai konten lokal bahasa daerah di Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan teknik perancangan pretest-posttest satu kelompok untuk menguji efektifitas model bahan ajar pada dua kelas yang berbeda. Dari uji lapangan menunjukkan hasil pretest dengan nilai rata-rata 65 dan 78,33 hasil posttest untuk kelas I, sedangkan hasil pretest kelas II dengan nilai rata-rata 63,27 dan 72,55 hasil posttest. Uji efektifitas yang diperoleh pada kedua kelas tersebut adalah terdapat perbedaan hasil sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan bahan ajar digital dengan konten dan pembelajaran terintegrasi bahasa. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa bahan ajar digital dengan konten dan pembelajaran terintegrasi bahasa efektif digunakan pada siswa sekolah dasar sebagai konten lokal bahasa daerah.)</p>2024-10-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studiesعلم الدلالة ودوره في العلوم اللغوية ومباحثها2024-05-24T13:53:29+00:00Ahmad<p>إن علم الدلالة هو من أصعب فروع علم اللغة، ويسميه بعض اللغويين "علم اللغة"، وهو العلم الذي يدرس المعنى، ويهتم بمعرفة الشروط التي يجب أن تتوافر في الرمز حتى يمكن فهم المعنى، كما يبحث هذا العلم عن حقيقة المعنى وكيفية الوصول إليه. فالإنسان بطبيعته النفسية وخصائصه الاجتماعية يعبر ويؤدي ما في نفسه من معاني وأفكار بالنطق أو الإشارة أو الكتابة، وبعضها يؤديه عمداً أو بغير عمد. أما التعبير المقصود في ذاته فينبغي تصوره والتدقيق فيه في كل ما يقوله، لأن الكلمات تتضمن معنى، فلا بد من معرفة المعنى في تبادل المعاني والأفكار والآراء. وبناء على ذلك تشبعت الدراسات اللغوية، وظهرت النظريات اللغوية، وتعدد المناهج، وتميز علم الأصوات الذي اهتم بدراسة وظائف الأصوات، إلى جانب علم الأصوات الذي اهتم بدراسة الأصوات المجردة. علم أصول الكلمات الذي اهتم بدراسة الاشتقاقات في اللغة، ثم علم التراكيب والتراكيب الذي يختص بدراسة الجانب النحوي وربطه بالجانب الدلالي في بناء الجملة، والآن أصبح علمًا. علم الدلالة علم قائم بذاته، بعد أن اتخذ مكانة مرموقة بين العلوم الأخرى، ويمتد تاريخه عميقًا في أعماق التاريخ، حيث يتضح اهتمام المؤلفين بعلم الدلالة في أعمالهم النحوية والمعجمية، ومن مظاهر ذلك عند علماء العرب اهتمامهم ببيان العلاقة بين طبيعة الكلمة ومعناها، وعلى هذا الأساس يهدف هذا البحث تسليط الضوء على مصطلح علم الدلالة ومدى إسهاماته ومبرراته في تطوير علوم اللغة: وخاصة علم المعاجم والترجمة وعلم الاتصال والإعلام وغيرها من الفروع اللغوية في هذا العصر الحديث، وقد استخدم الباحث المنهج الوصفي؛ من خلال تتبع المواد العلمية عن علم الدلالة ونشأته منذ القدم، وأهميته في جميع العلوم، حيث توصلت الدراسة إلى أن علم الدلالة علم قائم بذاته، بعد أن احتل مكانة مرموقة بين العلوم الأخرى. ويمتد تاريخه إلى أعماق التاريخ، حيث يتضح اهتمام المؤلفين بعلم الدلالة في أعمالهم النحوية والمعجمية، وما يؤكد ذلك هو اهتمام العلماء بتوضيح العلاقة بين طبيعة الكلمة والمعنى والدلالة.<br /><br />(Semantics is the most complex branch of linguistics. Some linguists call it “linguistics.” It is the science in which the study of meaning is considered, and it is the science that is concerned with learning the conditions that must occur in a symbol in order to be able to understand the meaning. This science also searches for the truth of meaning and how to reach it. human being by his psychological nature and social advantage, expresses the meanings and ideas within himself through speech, gesture, or writing, whether intentionally or unintentionally. As for the expression that is intended by itself, he must visualize and carefully examine everything he says, because words contain meaning, today, semantics has become an independent science, having taken a prominent position among other linguistic sciences, Researchers' interest in semantics is clear in their grammatical and lexical works, and one of the manifestations of these is interest of scholars in explaining the relationship between the nature of the word and its meaning, and on this basis, this paper aims to shed light on the term semantics and the extent of its contributions to the development of linguistic sciences: especially lexicography, translation science, communication science, media, and other linguistic branches in this modern era. Descriptive research design was adopted; This is done by tracking scientific materials on semantics and its origins since ancient times, and its importance in all other linguistic sciences. The study also concluded that semantics is an independent science, after it took a prominent position within the confines of other sciences.)</p>2024-10-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies